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September 26, 2016

"At this rate, I wouldn't be surprised if you graduated in the summer."

Jacqueline widened her eyes, a small smile creeping up on her face as she looked at her professor. The man had been helping her so much with everything that she didn't have any way to repay him. Not only that, now he was saying that she was on track to graduating sooner than what she herself had expected. When she calls Tony later tonight, he'd be so proud of her.

"Are you sure, Professor?"

The man, Professor Nelson, was in his mid fifties, his hair graying, the wrinkles on his face from aging and his constant smiles. He was one of Jacqueline's favorite professors on campus, always readily available for his students if they ever needed aid, whether it be in class, during his office hours, or over email.

"Of course I am." Professor Nelson responded, chuckling softly, "You're ahead of all of your courses and you're doing more than the maximum. Have you ever thought of maybe taking a break from all of this?"

Jacqueline blushed, looking down at her hands, "I take after my dad. He's always pushed me to be the best person I can be and I guess I pride myself in my academics. I was actually thinking I'd be graduating next year but, I guess I've fast-forwarded to the end of this year."

"Have you worked on your thesis?"

The girl grinned mischievously, "Almost done with it, actually."

"Wow. Tony Stark must be very proud of you." Professor Nelson gave Jacqueline a kind smile as he put the essay of hers that he was reading down

Jacqueline smiled softly, nodding as she thought back to her dad, "He'd be prouder to hear that I'll be done soon. He graduated MIT at 15 so I guess he beat me by a year."

The older man chuckled, shaking his head, "This is still a great feat of yours, Jacqueline. Your classmates will be graduating around the age of 26. You've been them by so much."

The teenage girl shrugged, smiling shyly, "Maybe its just because I'm ready to go back to New York."

"So quickly? I thought Baltimore was nice."

"It is! No doubt about it. I just... I guess my whole life is back there in New York. Don't get me wrong, I've been traveling all my life too it's just... I guess I feel a connection to that place."

"That's natural." Professor Nelson responded, "It's your home, it's only normal for you to miss it."

The teenage girl smiled sadly, looking down at her hands once more. She hoped that maybe she could go up to New York once again this weekend with Leo and Natalie since the boy was coming down to pick up his girlfriend, but the past few days with Peter had been a bit quiet.

Every time she tried to call him, he could only really respond for a few minutes, thirty at the most, before he had to go. Jacqueline could tell that something was up with the boy, but she didn't push it. Maybe it had to do with what had happened last weekend or maybe it was just stress from school. If it was something important, she knew her boyfriend would tell her.

Jacqueline stayed a few more minutes in her professor's office before bidding him goodbye and walking back to her dorm. The teenage girl greeted Natalie as she walked in, dropping her stuff off on her bed before joining her friend on the couch.

"Long day, boo?" Natalie asked, bringing her hand up to run her fingers through the younger girl's hair

Jacqueline sighed softly, placing her head on her friend's shoulder as they both watched the show playing on the television, "It was okay."

"Doesn't sound like it."

Jacqueline let out a puff of air as she smiled, "It was good for the most part. Nelson told me that I'm on track to graduating probably by the end of the year."

"I wouldn't be surprised." Natalie responded, slinging her arm around her friend's shoulders, "You're doing work that we haven't even gotten to and that we won't get to until junior year. You're way ahead of the game. I'll miss having you around."

The younger girl laughed, shaking her head, "I'll still be in New York."

"Good, 'cause I'm tired of seeing Leo's face every time I go there." Natalie joked

"He'd be heartbroken if he heard you say that."

"Let him. He's a dork anyway."

Jacqueline laughed and Natalie smiled, "Okay, but what's up? You looked sad."

"Nah, not sad. I was just thinking about Peter."

"What's up with him? I haven't seen you calling him that much."

"I mean, nothing's wrong with him. At least, I hope not. It's a given that we can't have that much time to talk to one another since I'm here while he's back home it's just... it feels weird. He always comes to me for everything and it just feels like he's going through something right now that I can't help him at all with since I'm so far away."

"You're just a call or even a FaceTime call away, Jack. Maybe it's just him getting acclimated to the new school year. If anything, try calling him again later today and see what's going on. If you want, I can tell Leo that we're going up to New York rather than him coming down here so that I can take you to see your boy."

"You don't have to, Nat."

"Don't worry. You just tell me what goes on with you and Pete and it's a go."

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