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September 21, 2016

The following day, Natalie had called Jacqueline to see if she and Peter were up to go to the beach for the day with her and Leo. After checking in with her boyfriend, Jacqueline had told her friend that they were excited for their day out.

An hour later, Jacqueline had a large smile on her face as she watched her boyfriend walk out of his apartment building. He was wearing a pair of navy blue swimming trunks and a white t-shirt, a bag in his hand with probably his change of clothes.

"We gotta stop having you picking me up." Peter stated, a grin on his face, "You look as beautiful as ever."

"Thanks, boo. You're a sight for sore eyes," Jacqueline giggled as he wrapped his arms around her waist, leaning down to kiss her, "I can't help it that I gotta pick you up everywhere we go."

"You can't?" Peter's smile was pressed against Jacqueline's lips and she couldn't help but laugh as they kissed

A horn sounding was what made the couple pull away from their kiss. Peter had flinched and instinctively pulled Jacqueline closer to him by his arm while the girl turned around and crossed her arms at Natalie and Leo, who were just laughing inside of the car.

Once inside the car, Jacqueline introduced Peter to Natalie and Leo. They were already off to a good when the two boys began talking about engineering. Peter would look over at his girlfriend with an excited grin as he leaned over the arm rest to talk to Leo, who was driving. Natalie would look over at Jacqueline while rolling her eyes and shaking her head, making the younger girl laugh.

The two couples arrived at what seemed to be an abandoned beach, which put a smile to Jacqueline's face. She liked having quiet whenever she could, especially with a lifestyle like hers.

"What is this place?" Peter asked, an arm around his girlfriend's shoulders once they'd stepped out of the car

"Montauk." Natalie replied as her boyfriend reached into the trunk of his car to take out two different duffle bags, "A really close friend of ours comes here with his mom a lot and he let us stay here for the day. We guessed that you guys'd like the open space."

"I love it, actually." Jacqueline smiled, looking over at her boyfriend who nodded in approval

"Today's gonna be epic!" Leo grinned, pumping his hand up in the air


Jacqueline sat on top of a towel as she watched her boyfriend and their friends playing in the water. She had a small smile, feeling complete serenity in the moment.

Peter turned his head to look over at his girlfriend and he smiled, waving at her. Jacqueline's smile widened as she raised her hand, watching as the teenage boy made his way towards her.

"They're great." Peter said breathlessly as he grabbed a towel from his bag before sitting beside his girlfriend

"I know." Jacqueline replied, smiling softly, "I'm happy you got to meet them today."

The two watched as their friends continued wading through the water, wide smiles on their faces as they spoke to one another. Jacqueline was reminded of how pure their relationship was. She couldn't wait to be like them in the future with Peter.

"I am too." Peter responded, turning his attention back to his girlfriend, "About yesterday.."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Pete."

"I want to, Jack."

Jacqueline smiled sadly as she gave her boyfriend her undivided attention. She could tell that whatever had happened between him and her dad was intense if it was still on his mind.

"So," Peter heaved a deep sigh, "Ever since what happened in Germany... happened, I've been wanting to prove myself to your dad. I've been going out every day, trying to find something that'll help me stand out to him and make him proud of me."

"Why didn't you tell me anything, Pete?" Jacqueline sighed, bringing a hand up to cup her boyfriend cheek

The boy closed his eyes, leaning against her touch, "I didn't want to bother you about it, Jacky. I didn't think it was that much of an issue anyway but then, yesterday happened and..."

"What happened? Us at dinner?"

"No, before that. I was doing my usual guard duty or whatever it is that I do and there was a robbery happening so I went to go stop it. These guys were wearing these Avengers masks but, whatever, that's beside the point. They had these crazy guns with a firepower that I've just never seen before. They completely wrecked the bank and Delmar's Deli. It was crazy. They could've killed Mr.Delmar, Jack. I just..."

Jacqueline's heart sunk. Peter's voice sounded just as broken as it was the previous night. The girl snuck a glance over at the water. Natalie and Leo were still laughing and talking amongst themselves. That was good.

"Hey." Jacqueline murmured, getting up to sit in her boyfriend's lap, "It's okay. You did everything that you could."

"No, Jack." Peter sighed, closing his eyes as he placed his head against his girlfriend's chest, his arms around her waist, "I could've been the reason behind Mr. Delmar's death. When we were at the restaurant, the news came up while May and your dad were still at the table."

Peter looked up at Jacqueline with a sad smile as the girl ran her fingers through his soft hair, "May told me that I had to stay away from that before she went to the bathroom. Mr. Stark... he told me there's people for that kind of stuff, that no one needs me going around and blowing stuff up. I guess he's right."

"No, he's not."

Peter frowned, looking at his girlfriend with confusion, "But-"

"Pete, you're Spider-Man for a reason. That's not just a name to be thrown around. Back in Germany, my dad saw enough potential in you that had him bringing you into the fight even without knowing you. Whatever it is that you're trying to find out, pursue that. Your sole priority as a hero is protecting those around you and that was exactly what you were trying to do last night. My dad can't discredit you for all the hard work that you do."

Peter's eyes were wet with tears for possibly the third time in two days. Jacqueline only smiled, leaning down to press a lasting kiss on his lips.

"You got this." She murmured, smiling as she caressed his cheeks with her thumbs, "I believe in you, friendly neighborhood Spider-Man."

Flight [Peter Parker] - Book Two of WealthWhere stories live. Discover now