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October 9, 2016

True enough, Jacqueline, Peter, and Blackjack touched down on Long Island Sound less than an hour later, just by the strawberry fields.

"How's that for your first pegasus ride?" Jacqueline asked her boyfriend, a small smile on her face

"Amazing." Peter grinned, looking back at her, "Who'd have thought we were in Alaska not too long ago?"

"I wouldn't. It still all seems so surreal to me." The girl told him, giving him a grateful smile as he offered his hand to help her out of the chariot

Her boyfriend couldn't pursue the conversation any further as they saw Oliver, Elijah, and their mother land just a few feet away from the pine tree. The girl frowned softly. Why hadn't they entered like she and Peter?

Oliver gave his mother a hug and exchanged a few words with her before Elijah gave him an apologetic smile. Mrs. Prince looked up at the hill and spotted Jacqueline and Peter. The older woman waved at them and the couple waved back, smiles on their faces. Oliver then waved Elijah and his mom off before the son of Hades shadowtraveled off with the older woman.


The teenage girl whirled around, grinning widely when she saw that it was her brother calling her name. She laughed, running down the hill and towards the tan man, almost throwing him to the ground once she finally reached him, her arms wrapping around his middle tightly.

"Hey, guppy." Percy laughed, "Guess you missed me just as much as I did you."

It made Jacqueline's heart warm when he gave her the same nickname that he gave his daughter. The man wrapped his arms around her shoulders, giving her just as tight a squeeze as she gave him. She missed the familiar smell of chocolate chip cookies and the beach.


The teenage girl smiled widely when she saw Natalie making her way up the hill with the twins running up ahead, Esperanza holding her hand and Jason at her hip. A few demigods seemed to acknowledge her presence and also began coming up the hill to greet her.

Elijah reappeared and he and Oliver greeted their friends, answering their questions about the quest and how they were feeling.

"Um, Jack?" Natalie asked tentatively


"You know how I mentioned a while ago about how mortals can't come into camp?"

Jacqueline raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"

"Then, why is Peter in camp?"

Realization then dawned on her as she turned around and saw her boyfriend back up by the pine tree, inquisitively looking at Peleus the dragon who was fast asleep. Peter a demigod? That wasn't possible. How hadn't she noticed before?

"Pete!" She called him over

The boy looked over at her and smile, walking towards her. He had a nervous smile as people started taking notice of him, a blush rising up to his cheeks. He stood beside her and awkwardly waved at everyone.

"Ooh," Adrien had a wide smirk on his face, "Is this the infamous Peter?"

"Infamous?" Peter asked Jacqueline, a small, teasing smile on his face

The girl blushed, elbowing him slightly on his side, "Don't get too cocky now, Parker."

"Wait, didn't you mention he was a mortal?" Percy wondered

"Mortals don't go through camp." Grayson noted

"We wouldn't know unless he was claimed. If he was claimed." Natalie stated

"Claimed?" Peter asked his girlfriend softly

Jacqueline could tell that the boy felt overwhelmed by the crowd. These were people that he didn't even know who wanted to know about things that he didn't even know.

The girl bit her bottom lip, "It's when.." she stopped, looking up over her boyfriend's head

"Uh... What's going on?" The teenage boy asked

Percy bursted out laughing. Jacqueline decided she'd hit the older man later on. She just pointed over Peter's head. The boy's eyes followed her finger, frowning softly when he saw a hologram of a gray owl over his head. He tried swatting it away, as if it were a fly but, it was already quickly fading away.

"Guess he's not a mortal after all." Oliver stated matter-of-factly, his arms crossed

Peter looked over at Jacqueline helplessly. The girl gave him a reassuring smile, reaching over to take his hand in hers, "You're a son of Athena, Pete."



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