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October 9, 2016

"Guess that's how long it'll take to wake them." Elijah noted

"Not now, Eli." Oliver responded

Jacqueline had a tight grip on her sword as she watched Menoetius summon more monsters. Oceanus still seemed uninterested. Maybe if she could get to him, maybe they wouldn't have to suffer through any more of this.

"Keep Menoetius busy." She told her two friends, "I'll try to reach Oceanus. Maybe he could help us."

"Jack, he's not on your side." Peter warned her

"He's not on Menoetius's side either." She reminded him, "Maybe I can talk him out of it. I have to at least try."

"Just..." Peter sighed, shaking his head, "Be careful, please."

The girl smiled softly, giving the boy a wink, "We still have our four months to celebrate."

Realization dawned on the boy's face. He didn't have time to reply as he watched Jacqueline and the two other boys go back into the crowd of monsters.

The teenage girl aided her two cousins in fighting against a few of the monsters before she made her way towards the Sea Titan. She'd occasionally look back at Peter who watched her with a worried expression. It probably killed him to see her in battle and not being able to help her.

Jacqueline shapeshifted into a bird, making her way towards Oceanus. Maybe he would actually listen to her. Maybe he'd crush her like a bug. Either way, she had to take her chances.

Menoetius was too enraptured by the fight to notice her absence. Oceanus had noticed her but, made no move to kill her. Maybe that was a good thing for now.

She shapeshifted back into herself, turning her head back at Menoetius. The Titan was still concentrated on the battle. She turned back at Oceanus, who looked down at her with a slightly interested expression.

"Bold of you to come speak with me, child." The Titan told her

"I'm bold like that." She responded

"I don't assume you'd like to join me in watching your friends get pulverized?"

"Not.. particularly, no." She said, "Why have you aligned yourself with Menoetius?"

"For our mother's great return! Why else?"

Jacqueline could note the twinge of sarcasm in his voice and she used that to her advantage, "Oceanus, we can't fight you both. We can't even fight against one of you. What is it that Menoetius is offering you?"

"My rightful reign of the seas. Something that I have been denied for eons."

The girl bit the inside of her cheek, "Don't you get it? Once Gaea rises, there will be no seas to reign. At least for now, I could help you and my father reach to some agreement. He takes Monday through Thursday, you take Friday to Sunday."

The Sea Titan's eyes flashed dangerously and she let out a nervous laugh. Maybe he didn't really have a sense of humor.

"Kidding!" She told him, "But, I am serious about that agreement. I'm giving you a choice. Gaea won't give you that. There won't be any seas to run, any mortals to scare off if you wake her up."

"Why should I trust you? All you mortals and gods do is lie time and time again."

The teenage girl gave him a determined look, "I stand by family. You are part of my family now and I'll make sure my father gives you the recognition you deserve. All you need to do is trust me. I'll-"

"Oceanus!" Menoetius had finally taken note of her absence from the battle, "Kill that girl!"

Jacqueline's blood turned ice cold. Her life was now in the fate of the Sea Titan's.

In the corner of her eye, she noticed her cousins continuing their fight against the monsters. Elijah had summoned skeletal soldiers and, every once in a while, had the ground opening up to swallow the monsters. Oliver summoned lightning bolts and pushed monsters off of the glacier with the winds.

Peter had found a sword lying on the ground and had joined the two demigods. His technique, surprisingly, was practically perfect. He jabbed, parried, rolled out of the way when a weapon was going his way, and repeated the process. For as long as she had known the boy, she'd never seen him hold a sword in his hand. Now, he acted as if it were second nature to him. If the situation had been any different, it would've been such a fond memory.

"What are you waiting for, Oceanus?" Menoetius asked

The Sea Titan remained silent once more. He seemed to be calculating the situation in front of him. His eyes rested on those of Jacqueline's for a long time, his face expressionless.

The girl then let out a strangled gasp. She looked down at her lower half, her eyes wide as she saw a sword poking through where her kidney would be, blood coating the blade.

The Titan of Anger sighed out of boredom, "It seems like I always have to do the job."

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