Who tops?

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Author: Welcome back fellow readers!

Pidge: No one has even read this book yet 

Author: Really? But I published it on my message board too!

Keith: Well clearly no one gives a shit-

Shiro: Keith! Language! And don't be rude to the Author, she the reason we are all speaking at this point!

Hunk: That is kinda scary...

Lance: Any dares yet 

Author: Nope, no one has even seen this story!

Allura: How unfortunate!

Coran: At least I am still gorgeous!

Pidge: That you are Coran. That you are.

Author: But yet again I will make do with you guys! Hunk!

Hunk: Erm, yeah?

Author: Truth or dare?

Hunk: Truth?

Author: Do you ship Klance?

Hunk: Who doesn't ship Klance?

Pidge: Correct.

Shiro: There is no right or wrong in truth or dare,Pidge..

Pidge: I know child. I know.

Lance: Wait a second-


Pidge: No no no child.We all ship you fucking Lance.

Keith:*Mad blush*

Lance: WHAT?! We all know Keefy here would be bottom!

Keith: Wait what? No way you are a total bottom!

Lance: No way in hell will you ever top me.

Author: Only one way to find out!

Author: *Pushes Lance onto Keith*

*Keith and Lance start to make out."

Author: Ok that is enough!

Author: Pulls Keith away from Lance.

Keith: *Grumbling* I wasn't finished...

Pidge: I am so gonna use that as blackmail...

Shiro: That was horrfying

Hunk: My eyes! I'm blind!

Allura: Well that was...interesting.

Keith: *in Lances ear* We'll continue this later...

Lance: *blushes"

Author:  Okay, I think i'm going to leave this chapter there before it becomes too inappropriate...Bye guys!

Coran: Goodbye Gorgeous people.

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