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Author: Lets get straight *wink wonk* into this chapter!

Lance: But before that can I run something bi you? *wink*

Hunk: I'd like to see how this pans out *wink*

Keith: I'm gay.

Shiro: Keith thats not how -

Keith: I'M GAY.

Author: Okay...

Author: Keith, truth or dare?

Keith: Finally... Truth.

Author: This comes from keef_kogane Would you rather share Lances jacket and cuddle with him or just wear it?

Keith: *blushes* I-I'd like to cuddle with him I suppose...

Lance: *blushes*

Author: Go on then.

Keith: What?!

Author: Did I forget to mention you have to do the one you pick?

Lance: Erm, yeah!

Keith: * sits next to lance*

Lance: * wraps jacket around himself and Keith*

Pidge: Awwwwww!

Allura: That is so cute!

Author: And the last dare for today is from pinkroses1212 who says 'Keith, I dare you to show us your secret talent'

Keith: *deadpan look* Bitch please.

Shiro: Language

Pidge: Yeah watch you're fucking mouth Keith!

Shiro: Pidge!

Keith: I have so many fucking talents I can't count them!

Lance: What the-

Keith: *drops into splits*

Lance: OH MY GOD.

Keith: *stands up and does a back flip landing back into splits*

Lance: *faints*

Keith: Shit.

Author: Well, Goodbye.

Allura: Fairwell.

Pidge: Bye bitches.

Shiro: Langua-

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