It has been two weeks since i told Peeta I was pregnant again. He was overjoyed. Julianna is happy to be a big sister. I have a feeling this pregnancy is going to be easier. When I first felt Julianna inside me I was consumed with a fear that only the joy of holding her in my arms could contain it. It has been 17 years since mine and Peeta's second games and Haymitch's words still ring in my head : You could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve that boy. I know it is true so I start crying. I DON'T deserve Peeta. He is too good of a person. I try to repay him for all he has done for me by giving him the children he has always wanted. "Katniss?" I hear Peeta's sweet voice call me. "What's wrong why are you crying?" "I DON'T DESERVE YOU! YOU ARE TOO GOOD TO PEOPLE!" "Katniss who put that in your mind?" "Haymitch." I answer. "Before the Quarter Quell I was talking to Haymitch, after we found out victors were going in, and he said I could live a hundred lifetimes and NEVER deserve you." "Katniss you know that's not true." "Yes It Is!" "No It Isn't!" "YES IT IS!!!" "No it isn't." "Why not." "Because you saved m-" I cut him off there. "You saved my life first. I have tried so hard to repay you for so long but I just can't." "You already did, 15 years ago when you finally laid down in bed next to me and loved me for real this time." I stop his words with a long loving kiss. I get that feeling of hunger that overtook me on the beach that day with Peeta. "I love you Peeta." "I love you too Kat." I look at the clock and see that it is 2:00. "I gotta go drop Julianna of at Annie's. She is spending the week there." "Ok." "Ok." I say leaning in for a kiss. I go upstairs to Julianna's room "You ready to go?" "Yeah." "Ok we have to meet Aunt Annie at the train station." We arrive at the train station and Annie and Julianna board the train and it pulls away from the platform. I go home. When I walk in Peeta is putting some bread in the oven.

Katniss and Peeta Always (sequel to Katniss and Peeta Together Forever)
FanfictionKatniss' second pregnancy sequel to Katniss and Peeta Together Forever. ~~~~~~~~~~ALL CHARACTERS BELONG TO SUZANNE COLLINS~~~~~~ 《《《《《《 BOOK 2 》》》》》》