Chapter 1: The Vision

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Just coming from there adventure on Mortis, Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano find themselves wondering if what they just went through was real. I'm known to the Jedi, a plot is soon to be discovered, but grave danger it brings. How will the Jedi react when one of there own looses control of there actions? Can our brave hero's save tomorrow, or will they die knowing what is to come?


"General Skywalker, come in." Came Rex's voice, waking up the unconscious Jedi.

"We read you Rex, can you hear me?" Replied Anakin who was trying to get his vision to focus.

"Yes sir, standing by, we were worried. Thought we lost you there for a moment." This confused the three Jedi greatly, haven't they been missing for like four rotations?

"A moment, we've been gone for more that a moment Rex." Said Anakin, who looked at his former master for justification.

"Sir, I dont follow. Could you please explain." Came Rex, at this, Anakin sighed.

"You wouldn't believe me if I did Rex. We're coming in now." Said Anakin, as he began to pilot the ship to the hangar of the cruiser.

"That was wierd master, was Mortis even real?" Asked Ahsoka, who seriously was confused.

"I don't know snips." Replied her master, making Ahsoka worried.

"Master Kenobi, do you know what just happened?" She asked her masters former master.

"I'm afraid that I'm just as clueless as you are Ahsoka." This made Ahsoka sigh in defeat.

"So, it seems like only you me and ObiWan even know about what just happened." Ahsoka decided to add, hoping to get some clarification on the matter.

"We'd better inform the council of what just happened." Said ObiWan, and Anakin nodded his head.

"I agree ObiWan. Ahsoka, are you alright?" Came Anakin's voice and ObiWan looked at Ahsoka. She seemed slightly pale, and she was swaying slightly.

"I don't know master, ever since Whatever the son did to me, my head's been hurting and I feel disoriented." This made both Jedi masters worried, Ahsoka never really admits she's hurt, so it must be bad.

"Well, maybe you should lie down and get some rest, after we speek with the council." Anakin said, and he was waiting to hear his padawan s response.

"Ok." That alerted both Jedi, something was definitely wrong with Ahsoka, she never gave up that easily. They were approaching the hangar, but their thoughts were elsewhere.

Anakins Point of view

"Ahsoka!" I said, trying to get my padawan's attention.

"Hmm, oh, yes master?" Ahsoka replied.

"I said help me land this ship on the cruiser."

"Oh, my bad." I sense somethings off with my padawan, but I'm not sure what it is.

"Ahsoka, please tell me what's bothering you." I told her because she's just acting so strange.

"It's nothing master, I just don't feel all that great, I think Mortis messed with my head because I can't remember what happened after the Son bit my arm. How did I end up on the ground and how did the daughter die??" Ok, maybe she did get some side effects.

"Well snips, I think you REALLY need to go get some rest, ObiWan and I will inform the council of what happened." I told her because seriously, how am I supposed to tell her that she died and was brought back to life?!?

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