Chapter 19: The Mission

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Ahsoka Tano recovering, Anakin Skywalker got a new mission, what will happen when he takes his Padawan to this hostile environment? Will Anakin become overprotective of Ahsoka, or will Ahsoka try to protect everyone?

Anakin's point of view

How am I supposed to take Ahsoka on this mission? She is still injured and she is blind. I'm gonna ask ObiWan for advice or for him to join me. I better tell Ahsoka about the mission.
I'm walking to the halls of healing, when I hear a crash. I run into the room and find Ahsoka clutching onto something and she looks terrified, the force is so strong around her.
"Ahsoka, Ahsoka calm down." I hope that I can calm her down.
"Master? Where are you? What's going on?" Ahsoka is terrified, I can sense her fear.
"Please Ahsoka, calm down. Just calm down."
Something fell, and broke. I'm now worried, I can sense Ahsoka is loosing control of her force abilities.
"Ahsoka, calm down. You are going to destroy the Halls of Healing if you don't, please just calm down. I'm here for you, you just need to trust me." I'm hoping that I can get through to her.
"I, I do trust you Skyguy. I just can't seem to calm down. When I opened my eyes, things started to get out of control. I can't control the force anymore. Every time I try things go wrong." Ahsoka is panicking even more now, she is starting to float.
"What's happening to me?!?"
Ahsoka is spiraling out of control, her emotions are spiking.
"Ahsoka, close your eyes and relax. Please trust me on this." I'm praying to the force that she trusts me on this.
"O-ok." Ahsoka closes her eyes, and I feel her trying to relax. Suddenly the mass fiasco that the force was creating a moment ago, vanished. Ahsoka's starting to fall down. I catch her. She huffs me and cries into my chest.
"Wh-What's happening to me. Why is the force doing this?" Ahsoka is sobbing, and she is terrified of the force right now.
"Shhh, Snips calm down. I don't know what's going on right now, but maybe Master Yoda might. Why don't we go see if he can tell us?" I'm hoping that she agrees to this, because I'm terrified for Ahsoka right now. What's going on with my poor Padawan?
"Please, can we see Master Yoda?"
"I'm pretty sure he will help you Snips, and then he can have a new thing to teach you. How to help you control your force abilities, if they have grown a lot." I smile and then look at her, forgetting that she is still blind.
"Thank you master." Ahsoka is happy, I sense this through our bond.
"Let's go and see him Snips, just maybe you should keep your eyes closed for now?"
"Ok, that's probably a good idea." Ahsoka gives me a emerald laugh and smile. And I'm still worried for her, but I'm glad she is still basically herself.

...10 minuets later...

We arrived at Master Yoda's quarters finally, but my nerves are skyrocketing. I told Ahsoka about our mission, and she seemed to be worried.
"Enter you may." Finally master Yoda is letting us in.
"What seems to be bothering you young Skywalker? Hmmm, or is it your Padawan that needs help. Yes Ahsoka is deeply troubled, sense it strongly I do. So, what is it young Padawan?" How is Master Yoda so smart?
"Umm, well Master yYoda. I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Ahsoka, open your eyes now. I think you'll be fine." I hope that I can calm her down.
"Yes master." As Ahsoka opens her eyes, a wind starts to build up, the force seems to be drawn to her, but she is now terrified again. Master Yoda is now looking alarmed, things are now starting to fly around the room and I'm ducking under things to avoid being hit, master Yoda got hit by some flying object. Great my Padawan just lost control in the Grand Masters room, and nicked him out.
"Ahsoka, calm down."
"I can't, I can't stop this." Yep she's having another panic attack.
"Close your eyes Snips, please."
Ahsoka is now panicking more, and thrashing about. She is now floating in the air.
"I-I can't. I can't close my eyes!" Yep now I'm panicking, how come she can't close her eyes?
"Close tour eyes you must, or in danger we all will be in." Yes Master Yoda is alive.😃
"Master Yoda, the force is preventing Ahsoka from closing her eyes." I have a panicked tone to my voice but whatever.
"Stun her you must."
"What! I can't just shoot her."
"Stun her so we can all live through this." I've never heard Master Yoda sound angry before.
"Fine, I'm sorry Snips." I Then stun her, she falls to the ground with all the things that where flying.
"To the Halls of Healing she must go, summon the council I must." Master Yoda leaves me with my unconscious Padawan to do force knows what.

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