Chapter 13: Backfired

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Ahsoka Tano, rushes to help those on Wassak. She will not let her vision come true. Determined to get them off this island and out of the hunt, Ahsoka's struggling to get Kalifa to trust her. Will she beat destiny, or will things go wrong?

Ahsoka's point of view

I'm running back to our new hideout, praying that the trandosions haven't picked up my scent. I finally get back, but when I do. Kalifa attacks me.
"Kalifa, what are you doing?"
"Getting answers. Who are you really? Why did you come here?"
"I've already told you. My name is Ahsoka Tano Padawan learner to Anakin Skywalker. You know, the chosen one. I came here because of a vision, a vision of me being dragged here. Hunted down. I was with you guys, only O-Mer Jinx and myself made it off the island though. I tried to save you, all of you. But I couldn't, I had been to weak to do it. But this time I will, even if it means I lay dow my life." I start to cry, but when I do. I break free from Kalifa's grasp, shove my lightsabers at her. Then I run, I run out of the hideout and just takeoff. I run, hoping that I'm found by those stupid lizards. I eventually am, they corner me on the beach.
"Well, if it isn't a new Jedi welp."
"Hello lizard lips. How is your floating home?"
He looks shocked, but regained his touch.
"I can't wait to kill you."
"Well y'all have to wait, I believe that count Dooku and General Grievous already want to do that to me. As well as Asaj Ventress." I force push him away from me and then take off running. This time I head to Kalifas hideout in the trees.
"I never thought that I would be here." Sigh. "Why won't anyone believe me, I got one day till Chewbacca gets here, I hope that I can get there trust. Or I'm gonna die." I fall asleep while meditating, but I don't have a peaceful sleep.

I wake up, and realize that tonight is when the ship arrives, I sigh.
"Kalifa, please respond."
"What do you want Ahsoka!"
"Please, stay hidden tonight. I know you don't trust me, that's why I left you with my lightsabers. But please believe me when I say, the beach isn't safe tonight." I end the transmition there. Then head out. It's nearly noon, and I need to be ready to take down the ship on my own.
This is going to be harder than I thought it would be.
Finally after a few hours of waiting, the ship arrives. Once it's in range, I force jump to it. This time I'll be by myself, so I must be more careful. I take out one of the men by using the force to throw him over the side of the ship. The poultry won't go down easy though,'z I eventually get him, release the prisoners, but before I can escape. The ship crashes, and I'm thrown out of the front windshield. I'm bleeding and hurt, but I have to push through the pain. I get up, and find Chewbacca. I get him to come with me, and I take him to the others.
"Kalifa, I got Chewbacca. Heading your way."
"Ok Ahsoka." I look back and se Chewbacca is nervous.
"Hey, you're safe. We are almost there I- ah." I grip my side, kirf there is blood. Chewbacca rushes to me with a worried expression.
"I'll be fine come on it's right here." I use the force to lower him into the hiding area, then I collapsed.
"Ahsoka, can you hear me?"
"Yes, what happened."
"You just collapsed, you were bleeding. We can't stop it."
"It's fine Kalifa, it just means my plan has to be pushed up. You are getting off this island tomorrow. And I'm gonna need you to watch over everyone else. I have my ship, but it's not big enough for everyone. I'm gonna turn on my homing beacon so my master can find us. He will help us get off this planet. I promise." After I say this, I stand up and head to my ship. I'm clutching my side because of the blood loss.
I get it my ship and turn on my homing beacon.
"Master, master are you there?"
"Ahsoka! Are you alright? I feel like I'm hurt."
"I'll live. Just got a nasty cut on my side. But I need your help. Your training has helped me survive, and lead others to survive. But I'm too injured to do this alone. I left on of them with a commlink so you can find them. I will be invading the main vessel. Got to go, thank you master."
I get out of my ship breathing heavily. My side is now throbbing.
"How much did you hear?"
"All if it. Your master seems nice."
"He's the greatest. Kalifa, please don't let me die for nothing. You must promise me that you will keep the others safe, promise me."
"I-I can't. I've treated you horribly, why are you doing this?"
"Come here, I will show you."
She comes towards me, then I use the force to show her my vision of this place.

"Oh, Ahsoka." She says this than comes to hug me.
"Oops sorry."
"It's fine. But do you trust me now?"
"Yes Ahsoka. But you don't plan on making it out of here alive do you?"
"No, my wound is deep, I've lost a lot of blood. And it's ok Kalifa. I'm not afraid of death. You just need to make sure you can be found when my master gets here. Make sure he gets my lightsabers. So if I do survive, then he can find me."
"Ok Ahsoka, I will."
"You need to get some sleep, you need to be able to protect them all." I give Kalifa a week smile.
"Same with you, you have to fight off the trandosians." I laugh slightly. I'll manage. Now go. As she walks away, I feel something pulling at my gut. I shrug it off and sleep.

Trandosian point of view

Today I met a strange Togruta, we didn't capture her for the hunt, but sh was here. And she is a Jedi.
"Contact Count Dooku, tell him I have a proposition."
"What is it YanDure?"
"A Jedi welp ended up in our hunt, she seems to know you. She is a Togruta with blue and white montros and lekku, she has orange skin."
"Ah, Skywalker's brat is on your island? Why do you tell me this?"
"I know she has contacted someone because Jedi cruisers have been spotted coming our way, I simply ask for my peoples protection. You can take the girl, do what you want with her. But we will also join the separatists."
"Thank you for finally accepting my offer, and I'm on my way with some droids and General Greivous. Don't let the Togruta escape."
"It would be my pleasure."
I end the transmitting and smile. Tomorrow will be a fun hunt indeed.

Ahsoka's point of view

I wake up realizing the sun has just risen, I signal Kalifa using the comm. it starts blinking telling her. I'm heading up, and that the sun is up. They will head to the beach while I take on the lizards. I hop in my ship, and contact my master.
"Snips, we are almost there." I start to cough, but blood comes out. I quickly hide this from my master, but he notices how much paler I am.
"Ahsoka, Ahsoka whats wrong?"
"Nothing master. Just focus on the life forms by the beach. Kalifa will meet you, then get everyone out of here." I end the chat before he can ask me anymore questions, then I take off.
"Time to save them all." I fly into battle, but separatists frigates enter the atmosphere and start to attack me.
"Kalifa, Kalifa respond."
"What is it Ahsoka?"
"Stay in the camp, the droid army is here, they will find you on the beach if you go there. I can handle them up here, but there are too many for you guys."
"I understand, we are heading back." I sigh reliefs, she listens. Then I'm bright back to the battle, I take out a frigate when the Republic arrives.
"Kalifa, signal using the commlink I gave you."
She signaled the cruiser so they know where they are. Everything is going ok so far. I take out the engine of the floating trandosian head corners.
"Ahsoka, we have everyone. Time to go."
"Ok, thanks master."
"No problem snips."
"I'm on my-" boom. My ship was hit and I was going down. I crashed on the trandosian death pad. Get out of my ship, but I'm bleeding even more now.
"Ahsoka, are you ok?"
"Master, get out of here! I got shot down. I'm ok for now, but Greivous and Dooku are here. Get everyone to safety."
"Not withought you snips."
"Oh yes you will."
"Excuse me? We are going to have a talk about manners when you get back."
"Fine with me, just go."
"Fine, but I'm going to come back for you Ahsoka. I promise."
"I know master." A tear runs down my cheek, then I open up to the force. Not on but of me closed off, I'm powerful, so I use that power. Droids are flying to and fro, trandosians are flying. Even General Greivous. Then I'm hit in the neck with something, a dart. Suddenly I'm ripped away from the force, and the power backfired onto me. I'm thrown a good 10 feet into the air, and I've gotten more cuts and bruises. Now I look around to see Count Sleemo glaring at me. Someone hits me from behind, and everything turns black.

Ps: sorry that it's taken me a while to update, moving internationally is a pain. I'm so happy, almost 309 views in one week. Thank you all so much for your support. Enjoy

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