Chapter 7: Into Hiding

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Padawan Ahsoka Tano, forced into hiding. The Sith won't give up trying to silence Ahsoka. For her safety and to protect the information, the council decided to send her into hiding. Only a small squad of clones accompany Ahsoka, but how long can they hide from the Sith?

Ahsoka's point of view

I still can't believe that the Jedi council won't let Anakin come with me. I'm scared to go alone, I'm not going to be joined by my master or Rex. I'm worried about this elegies order 66, otherwise known as Fallen Knight. Thankfully the council decided it best if I chose which clones accompany me on this mission. I chose clones that I trust, though Anakin was very hard to persuade when it came to allowing Fives and Echo to join me. All because they are the only Arc Troopers in the 501st, sadly when I asked if Rex could join Anakin said that Rex is needed to watch his back. His excuse was that since I'm not there to watch his back, that someone had to, and Rex was that lucky someone.

"Fives, do we have all the supplies?"

"Yes Commander, everything has been loaded on the ship."

"Thank you Fives, prepare everyone for takeoff."

"Right away Commander."

Thankfully the council said that I could take my Jedi Starfighter in case of an emergency. My master wished he could come, and believe me when I say he tried everything he could to get permission to join me on this task. But the council said that if the Chosen One disappears along with his Padawan, others will notice. There excuse was, 'she has a better chance if she goes alone.' Whatever, they just don't want to be short on Jedi. Anakin didn't want me to go with ought some part of him, so he lets me take R2, his little blue and white astromeck.

Then Jedi Council thought it best for me to use a medical frigate due to my health and so I have plenty of room for training. I will train in the cargo hold, we set up an area for me to use, and I brought along some training spheres. Jessie maid sure that we have all the medical equipment necessary. There are barracks for the clones and a room for me. I'm the pilot, since I was only bringing a few clones and I know how to pilot a ship, the council thought it best that I be the pilot. I quickly get us into hyperspace, and once the familiar blue and white streaks are in the view, I start to meditate. I regret doing it right after I start to get a clear vision.

I come out of the vision panting. Then I realize that we are coming out of hyperspace.

"Everyone, we are coming out of hyperspace. Welcome to the middle of nowhere." I say this then take us out of hyperspace. The Jedi council decided that we float around in space for a bit, then change position after a while.

"If anyone needs me, I'll be training."

"Remember commander, don't push yourself too hard."

"I'll remember Jessie, I really don't want to end up in another med bay anytime soon." I hear everyone give a slight chuckle at this, heck I even chuckle. I guess that I haven't laughed recently, I guess that I miss those days. I head down to my make shift training area and set the spheres to level 3. I continue deflecting the shots, I make it to level 6 then I start to hear things...

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