Chapter 17: Miracles

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Ahsoka Tano, thrown off the Sith temple. Her life drifting away, Anakin Skywalker must hurry if he has any chance of saving his Padawan.

Anakin's point of view

My heart broke as I saw my Padawan thrown over the side of the temple. I saw her eyes, full of terror. The last thing I said to her was a lie, I lied to her before she died.
"AHSOKA!!!! Nnnnoooooooo!!!" I'm sad and angry, but I'm not letting these emotions overpower me. I hope. I use the force to throw the droids off of me and the others, then I run to the edge to try and find Ahsoka. I see her flying through the air.
"Use the force we must. If she is to live, use the Foce to slow her down." Master Yoda is trying to help, so I use the force to try and slow her down. We all do. We slow her down, but she hits the ground pretty hard. I bolt up and start to head for her.
"Anakin Wait!" It's ObiWan.
"No ObiWan, I will not wait. I won't let the last thing I told Ahsoka be a lie. I won't let her die, I can't have had her die right in front of me. ObiWan, I can't have watched another person I care for die in-front of my eyes again. I watched my mother die, I don't want to have watched my Padawan, no my sister/ daughter figure die before my eyes to." I'm crying now, but don't care.
"Fine, but let me come with you."
"Let's go." I don't want to wast time. We are running for a while, then we find it. The area where she hit the ground. Her blood is trailed here, there is a streak headed farther up. We follow the trail, then we find her. Ahsoka. Her body is all twisted, she has cuts and a blaster wound. Her neck has an imprint From Greivous' hand claw thing. She is in a pool of her own blood, but I still sense her force signature. It's extremely weak, barely there, but it's there.
"Hurry ObiWan, we can still save her." I'm looking at ObiWan for help, I'm begging him basically to help me try to save her.
"Anakin, she's gone."
"No! She can't be. She has died three times already, but she came back. She always comes back, she has to. I need her, I need her ObiWan. I can't live with ought her." I'm now crying hard.
"I'm so sorry Ahsoka, I'm so sorry that I wasn't able to save you, or protect you. You died and I didn't do anything to stop it. I'm so sorry that I failed you. Snips, please. Come back to me." I'm sobbing by her lifeless body, she went through so much. I never told her how proud I was of her, or how much she impressed me. Or how much she changed me. Ahsoka, my Padawan, my sister, my daughter, I've failed you so badly.
"ObiWan, the last thing I told her was a lie, a lie."
"Oh, Anakin. I'm so sorry that this happened. I really am, but we have to go."
"No, I'm not leaving her here. I'm not going to just leave her alone." I'm crying even more, and hopping that somehow she will wake up. I touch her hand, and then she starts to glow.

Ahsoka, she wakes up, she is still blind. But she wakes up.
"Who are you? Who's there?" I can tell she is hurt badly still.
"Skyguy? An-Anakin? Are you there?" I'm happy she woke up, surprised but happy.
""Ahsoka, I thought I lost you. I thought you died." I bring her into a hug, it probably hurts her, but she hugs me back and is crying onto my chest.
"I thought I was dead, I was slipping away. I-I thought that I wouldn't see you again. Anakin, I thought that I would never see you again." We are both crying, and Ahsoka is still bleeding, but we are together again.
"Come on Snips, let's get you some medical attention."
"Please, I hurt everywhere. But first I want to find my lightsabers. I may have accidentally thrown them off the side of the temple when General Greivous decided to slam me to the ground. Oh, and I didn't stop looking at you. Even as I was thrown, you where the last thing I saw. I knew you would save me, even if I was scared. Thank you master, for not leaving me." Ahsoka gave me a gentle hug. But then she winced in pain.
"Easy there snips, all that I did wheats help the Daughter keep you alive, not heal any of your wounds. I'm not that good, sorry." I give her a slight squeeze.
"It's ok master. I'm just glad to still be breathing." With that she falls asleep, with a slight smile to her face. I pick her up gently, and carry her bridal style. Mainly because she is too injured for me to carry her any other way.
"Come on OniWan, let's go. And I told you so." He gives me the your impossible look.
"Alright Anakin, you where right. But you two seem to be very attached to one another. But I won't tell a soul, I feel like Jedi need to make some attachments in order to know how to keep on being compassionate and caring. Ahsoka keeps you in check, and she helps you be kind and caring. If you tell anyone what I just said, I can have you expelled from the Jedi Order."
"My lips are sealed, and that goes same for me. If you tell anyone what you just saw, you are toast."
"And I believe you." We both start to laugh. Things are looking bright for us, Ahsoka is alive and with us. She is fee from those slavers, and we stopped the slavers. I hold Ahsoka a little bit closer to me, then we head out to look for her lightsabers.

Master Yoda's point of view

Skywalker and Kenobi get back two hours later, Skywalker is carrying Padawan Tano in his arms. I saw a bright light about an hour and thirty-five minuets ahi, but what took them so long?
"Sorry Master Yoda, we had to find Ahsoka's lightsabers. They were thrown down off the temple while Ahsoka was fighting Greivous." Young Skywalker is actually smiling.
"So, alive your pupil is?" He happily replies yes.
"She is, but Ahsoka need medical attention." I figured.
"Back to the temple we must go, but so low in Courosant, it will take time to get up to the temple."
"I understand master Yoda, let's get going then." Skywalker is much happier now that his Padawan is with him. Once we take off, I sense his worry grow. He is a mystery that Skywalker, but the Chosen One he is. I'm just glad Padawan Tano is finally back to where she belongs. I just hope we make it back in time, if she passes, loose the Chosen One. We may, afford that we cannot.

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