Chapter 9: Failed Attmept

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Anakin Skywalker rushes to save his Padawan from the grip of Count Dooku. The Count is preparing for the arrival of Anakin Skywalker, when Ahsoka manages to escape from her cell. As she desperately tries to escape her prison, Anakin gets his troops ready for anything. 

3rd person

Anakin Skywalker is briefing his troops on the plan to rescue Ahsoka from Count Dooku. "Dose everyone understand the plan?" Anakin asks his troops this.

"Yes sir." The clones reply.

"Get ready for our attack." Anakin is telling his troops to get ready, but what he was worried about was why Dooku had Ahsoka on a ship not ever two systems away from where he took her. 

Anakin's point of view

"So master Luminara, if we need backup, will you be able to come to our aid?"

"Yes master Skywalker, my Padawan Barris has even offered to help. She is good friends with Padawan Tano, and she wants to help in anyway possible."

"I appreciate the offer, but I think we will-"

"General, if I may."

"What is it Admiral Yularen?"

"I noticed that the defenses around the holding cells is particularly heavy. I suggest that we send Commander Barris into the Air vents, she can then help provide cover, and she could eve give them a hard time by accessing areas to create distractions."

"That's actually not a bad idea. Master Luminara, what are your thoughts on this plan?"

"It's risky, but my Padawan is more than capable of getting the job done."

"Well, lets get her ready, because we just arrived."

Ahsoka's point of view

I wake up to find myself being transported by two droids to some new location. I try to move, but find I cant.

"I wouldn't try that if I were you." I hear Cont Dooku's voice and it makes me sick to my stomach.

"Why shouldn't I Count Sleemo?"

"Because if you try to escape, then I will just have to kill your friends here." When he says this, 5 clones are brought into view.

"Oh poodu. Fives, Echo, Jessie, Kix, and Hardcase are you o-ok?" They realize that I'm the one talking to them, but once they see my condition, they get angry twards the count.

"How could you do that to her Doku? She is only a kid!" I'm slightly hurt by Fives words, but he dose have a point. I'm only 15, and fighting in a war. I sometimes forget how young I really am.

"I-I'm ok Fi-Fives, No n-need to w-worry about me." They all can see through this lie, especially Jessie."

"Her health is of no importance to me, I only need her alive enough to tell me what she knows. The she will die!"

"Well Count Sleemo, you will have to wait a long time to kill me because e I will NEVER tell you anything." I know that I've angered the count by know, but he seemed to snap after I say these words. He ignited his lightsaber and was headed towards me. I try to ignore the shouts coming from the clones, the shouts telling me to move or telling the count to leave me alone. Whatever they are, I don't get to hear them because the Count decided to give me a present, his lightsaber through my ankle.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I let this scream escape me, I can tell that I let my concentration slip, because Sleemo over here starts to do a sly grin. I can tell it's only a matter of a few seconds before my master can sense/ feel my pain. Due to our special Master-Padawan bond, that darn bond is a blessing and a curse it seems.

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