Chapter 14: Revenge Extracted

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Ahsoka Tano captured. With her ability to use the force ripped away, will our young hero be able to escape. What will Anakin Skywalker do to find his Padawan, and will the person haunting Ahsoka's dreams finally make good on his threat?

Anakin's point of view
I felt Ahsoka's force signature being ripped away, she's not dead. However I can't sense her anymore, how could she be ripped away from the force? It was so violently taken, that I was disoriented.
"General, are you ok?" It was Rex.
"I don't know Rex, I think something happened to Ahsoka. I can't feel her force signature anymore." I'm getting worried, but then I notice exactly how many children Ahsoka just saved. There are probably 20 children, they where all taken from there homes. How did these Trandosians get away with this?
"I'm, excuse me. But are you Master Skywalker?" I look to see a human girl walking up to me, she seems nervous.
"Yeah, I'm Anakin Skywalker. Who are you?"
"My name is Kalifa, and Ahsoka told me to give these to you when we got rescued." She hands me Ahsoka's lightsabers. Why dose she have these?
"Oh, I almost forgot about this." She hands me a communicator. Then she heads back to two boys, I'm guessing they are the Jedi younglings that have been on this island.
"We are landing on the ship, welcome home General."
"Thank you Odball, get me Admiral Yularen."
"What is it General?"
"Contact ObiWan."
"As you wish." I hope Ahsoka is alright.
Ahsoka's point of view
I wake up in a cell, my head hurts. Where am I? How long have I been out? I try to remember what happened, then bam. I got injected with a drug and then I blacked out. I try to use the force to find Anakin, nothing. I can't sense anything. I'm beginning to panic, what's going on? I try to use the force to lift up the blanket on the metal slab, nothing. I can't use the force, what did they do to me? Then I remember the communicator I have Kalifa, I hope she gave it to Skyguy.
"Hello? Master Skywalker do you read me?" I wait, no response.
"Hello, this is Padawan Ahsoka Tano. Can anybody read me?" I wait again, still nothing. I'm about to try one more time, when...
"Ahsoka, where are you? Are you ok? What happened?" It's Anakin.
"Yes master, it's me. I only know that I'm in a cell, probably on a Separatist frigate. I was injected with a drug and now I can't use the force, like I can't use it at all. I can't sense life forms, can't use it, and can't sense you. Beside my head hurting I'm fine." I tell him this as fast as I can, but I'm scared. What did they do to me that can cut me off from the force.
"One second Ahsoka, we are intercepting a transmission from Count Dooku. He's sending it to all of the systems in the Separatist alliance.
My fellow Separatist's, we have just captured one of the traitors of the Republic. A Jedi, Padawan Ahsoka Tano was apprehended one hour ago on Wassak. Our Trandosian allies found her terrorizeing there inhabitants. She was fought, and will now face her punishment. For her crimes against our new allies, and against our cause. I understand some of you may think it rash to punish someone her age, but make no mistake. This girl has done a great deal of damage to our society. So, I will be negotiating with her, so she will have a choice in her punishment. Have a lovely time my fellow Separatists, and may the Republic fall.
Oh no."
"Master, what should I do. What's going to happen, will he come for me?" I can't hide the panic from my voice, and I know that I've gone pale.
"Ahsoka calm down who is he?"
"He is someone I met before I came to the temple. As you know, someone pretend to be a Jedi. This person tried to trick me into going with him, but I knew something didn't seem right. He kept asking questions like where were my parents, or how much I listened. He didn't seem like a nice person to me, but my people trusted him. He tried to take me with him, but I started to scream no. My people where horrified when I did this, they thought he was a Jedi. Then master Plo Koon arrived, he said that I should go with him. Sure he was a bit scarier than the other guy, but I trusted him. So I went over to master Plo, but before I could get to far, the man told me something. And it haunts me to this day. He said; I would watch my back if I were you little Togruta, I'll get back at you for this, one day. Just you wait and see. He threatened me, and I've never forgotten those words." I start to cry, just thinking about him gives me a bad feeling.
"Don't worry Ahsoka, I will find you. Kalifa, O-Mer, and Jinx say thank you for saving them by the way. They told me of how you got them to trust you, and how you were able to remind them of what it meant to be a Jedi. The other kids say thanks as well, they lost hope once they were captured. But you gave them all back there hope. I'm proud of you Snips."
"Thanks master, I hope you know that it's because of your training."
"Yeah, maybe. But I think it was your ability to inspire others, you have sure inspired me."
"Well thank you master, I have to go. Dooku is coming. I think. You need to find out what that did to me. It hurt like crap when they ripped me from the force."
"I know, it hurt me to. I will find out what's wrong, don't worry. See you later Snips."
"By Skyguy." Then Dooku enters, I quickly hid my communicator in my boot. I hope he didn't see me hide it, or my conversation with Anakin.
Dooku's point of view
I give my speech to my followers, knowing that the Republic will also receive the message. I purposefully had its encryption poorly designed. I wanted Skywalker to suffer. After it ends, one of my Zygirian slavers Contacts me.
"What is it Tomaak?" I know he is one of the best/ most known slavers from Zygiria, but I don't like him.
"I couldn't help but notice you captured a Togruta Jedi. You know that I made a promise to a Togruta child before a Jedi took her away. She was maybe three years old, her parents died from sickness and she had no other family. Sadly she trusted that darn Keldor, wise child. But an annoyance. I told her that one day I'd get her. I think you found that child I was going to enslave all those years ago. Could I see a picture of her, just to confirm it. If she is, then I know her punishment, to become my slave." I actually liked this plan. Skywalker was a slave, so his pathetic Padawan should be to. I show him an image of the girl and he confirmed that this is her.
"Meet me in two hours to pick her up."
"I can't wait to, thank you Count Dooku." He gives me a bow, then I can see something in his eyes. Excitement, probably because this girl will finally be his slave. I head down to the cells, and I hear voices in the Togruta's cell. She must have a communicator on her. I wait to head in, I want to see how much information I can get out of her. She talks about a threat made to her years ago, something about no force abilities, and stuff like that. I wait till she is done talking, then I head in. I see her put her communicator in her boot, I smile.
"Well isn't this a surprise. Skywalker's pet in chains. I also know you've had contact with your master." She gets pale.
"You've probably noticed that you can't use the force, that's a new invention from my scientist. A force inhibitor, funny how a little drug can take away the ability that makes a Jedi so special." Now I get a glare, so much hate in this child, a shame she is with the Jedi.
"I have a comrade who will take you away. He will exact your punishment. You are going to become a slave my dear, and your master will not be able to find you once you leave this shop. The inhibitor drug will be given to you twice a rotation, to ensure he can't find you." She is now scared, good.
"Oh, and you won't be needing this anymore." I use the force to pull the communicator out of her boot. She gasps and tries to grab it. To slow. I crush it right before her eyes, and she starts to cry.
"That's right child, you are not going to escape this time." She moves away from me, but I force choke her a bit. Then slam her into a wall.
"That's for cutting off my apprentice's arm."
"Just *returning* the favor, if I remember correctly. You cut off my masters arm to." She gives me a smirk, I sigh then using the force. Throw her into a wall. She is still, I exit the cell and head to the bridge.
Ahsoka's point of view
I just got slammed into another wall by Count Sleemo, I mean. Who throws a person into two metal walls. It's not like he was gentle about it. I don't move after he throws me into the second wall, I just want him to go away. So I pretend to be unconscious, he bought it and left. But he destroyed my communicator, what am I going to do now? Oh wait a second, I still have on. I'm stupid because I didn't think of this before. I take off my Padawan braid, and activate my communicator. I put one on here when I first got my vision of Wassak.
"Master, is anybody there?" I'm hopping this works.
"Ahsoka? Did something happen?"
"Thank the force I got ahold of you. Yes something happened. He is coming for me, Dooku told me so. He knows about the threat he gave me years ago, he knows I'm useless without the force. Master I'm gonna become his Slave." I say this and start to cry. I've not cried out of fear since I was a little Togruta child. I know my master can see me right now, I added a camera so they could see me, but I never finished so I can't see them.
"Ahsoka, it's ok. I will find you. I won't let you face what I had to as a child. And don't think you are useless because you don't have the force. You are amazing, you inspire people just by being optimistic. Just don't give in to the slavers. Please just hold on until I get there. Now stop crying Ahsoka, you don't want them to see you cry. Trust me, make them get mad at how strong willed you are."
"Ok master, oh and I know why I can't use the force anymore. Count Sleemo had his scientists invent a drug to cut off a Jedi's connection to the force. Making us loose the ability to use the force. I hear something, master what should I do?" Just as I say this, the door to my cell opens. Then a voice I never wanted to hear again speaks to me.
"Well, looks like you grew up." I go pale when I hear him.
"Leave me alone!" My voice trembles, and I sound like a scared girl.
"Why? Not ready to become a slave?"
"Master, help."
"Good, you know who I am." He smiles.
"Wasn't talking to you, Anakin help me."
"Calm down Ahsoka. YOU STAY AWAY FROM MY PADAWAN YOU SLAVER SCUM!" I'm great full for Anakin, but he may have made things worse. This thing gets angry at me and he is heading to me.
"I said stay away from me." I'm thrashing about trying to make him loose his grip on me, it was useless. He picks me up, and throws me into another wall. It was so hard that I Black out, not before I saw him smash my Padawan braid.
"You are mine now, you Togruta scugg." I drift into the darkness with a new fear in my heart.

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