Chapter 15: Lossing Hope

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It's been a month since Padawan Ahsoka Tano was captured, Anakin Skywalker has not stopped searching for her. ObiWan Kenobi took Kalifa as his new Padawan learner. With a new mission, will these Jedi find the missing Padawan, or will they have to keep on looking.

Anakin's point of view

I've been searching for Ahsoka non stop, it's been a month since that slaver scugg smashed her against that wall. The day it happened, I could sense Rex's pure rage for that guy. Ahsoka was clever to add a camra for us to see her, but because she wasn't done she didn't get to add a holoprojector to see us. But ObiWan took on a Padawan learner, that girl Kalifa became his new Padawan about two weeks ago. I'm sad that he did, but I'm happy for Kalifa. Ahsoka was able to give her and the two other younglings a chance to live their lives again. I've been looking into a lead on Ahsoka when ObiWan and Kalifa enter the room I'm in.
"What is it ObiWan." I don't care that I sound grumpy.
"We have a mission, Anakin we are looking into the resurface of the Zygyrian slave empire. And the missing Togrutan colonists. You have to stop looking for Ahsoka right now Anakin." Now my blood is boiling.
"What, you want me to abandon Ahsoka. No way, I promised her that I would find her. I'm not leaving her in the hands of that slaver scum."
"Calm down Anakin, our spies have informed us that Ahsoka might be there." Now I'm confused.
"What do you mean? You lost me." ObiWan sighs.
"I mean that she might be with her people, who have recently been taken there. As you and I both found out during our last mission. But the council didn't want me to tell you about your Padawan because they think your desire to save her will compromise the mission." Now ObiWan is looking at Kalifa, maybe for help I don't know or care.
"Master Skywalker, this is just a possibility. I want to save Ahsoka too, she kept her promise and got me off that hell of an island. She risked everything for us, she gave us back our hope. Thanks to Ahsoka, O-Mer Jinx and myself, were reminded what it meant to be a Jedi. I owe her my life, but we have to finish this mission." I sigh, even though she has been ObiWans Padawan for a short amount of time, she sure knows how to talk like him.
"Fine, I will go on this mission, but then I'm searching for Ahsoka. If we do find her, then I'm going after her. Deal." I give ObiWan the I'm not changing my mind look, and he gives.
"Fine, I agree with your terms Anakin. But we are bringing Rex with us. Kalifa, I'm sorry but you have to play part of the slave." I feel bad for throwing her into this.
"I understand Master." At least Kalifa is a good person, she's gone through a lot so I'm not worried about her.
"Wait who will be her slave master, every slave has a slave master."
"You will be Anakin. This mission is important to you, in more ways than one." I know what ObiWan is getting at, why dose he mention it.
"Let's get going, we are wasting time." ObiWan agrees and we head out.

Ahsoka's point of view

It's been a month since he took me, and I gave up hope for a rescue a long time ago. I broke two weeks ago, I couldn't take all the torture I had to endure. I was whipped and electrocuted, cut and punched, then there were the injections. A few where to inhibit my force abilities, the rest were to inflict pain. I'm so venerable with ought the force, Anakin would never forgive me for giving in. I tried to stay strong, but I was weak. Now I'm the personal slave to him, my new master is so cruel. I still get the occasional beating because of my snippy attitude, I guess some habits die hard. But I think he favors me over the others, it's like I'm this prized slave. But I'm just a broken Padawan learner who couldn't stand the torture.
"Slave!" Great he is calling me.
"Yes master." I make sure to bow my head, I didn't do this one day and I was beat for it.
"Bring me my snack. And then rub my neck while I eat." I hate that he makes me do these things, but as long as I listen to him, the others won't be harmed.
"Yes master." The other slaves probably hate the attention he gives me, but I will serve him as long as they aren't harmed. They are only around for when he has his weekly party. Ugg, I hate that party, so many slavers try to buy me. Guess that I'm lucky he likes me so much. His wife is who assigns is our jobs during the parties. I end up showing off my flexibility from being a Jedi, I have to do stunts above there heads, during there meals, or whenever they want me to. I feel like a sad excuse for a Jedi. Jedi, protectors, peace keepers, beloved in the Republic. How far I've fallen, I miss Anakin so much. When I gave up on his promise to rescue me, I finally was able to become a slave. I'm broken and lost, forced to serve others at the cost of myself. How I hate my new life. I get him his food, I hope he chokes on it. Now I'm bringing it back to him, when I hear a conversation coming from his room. I'm gonna be punished if he catches me ease dropping, but I do it anyway;
How is the Togruta doing?
She is the best slave. No fighting back, no complaints, no will. She is broken and now I'm in charge of her.
Good, but be warned. My spies in the Republic have warned me that Jedi are heading to Zygyria to stop your new slave empire. My guess is that they will hit the slave oction, so keep her away from it. You should avoid it as well, in case Skywalker is there.
I'm happy, Jedi might be coming here, I can be rescued, I can be free. But only if I'm at that horrible oction.
No, I have slaves to sell there, and she will be coming. I will just have all my female slaves wear clocks, she is my prized slave. The fallen Jedi, her obedience has been my greatest achievement. If that boy dares to show his face, she will be punished for his stupidity.
Wait, I sense someone outside the door."
Kirf, I'm screwed.
"Why you little scugg. You dare listen to your masters private conversation? You will be punished."
"No, let go of me." I throw his food tray to him then I try to leave. He pins me to a wall.
"Is that how you treat your master? Is it!" I'm struggling to get free, but I feel the force coming back to my body. Maybe I can use it.
"You are not my master, Anakin is. Now LET ME GO!" I'm able to force push him off of me, then I run. I'm at the door when I'm hit with something, another dart.
"What... is..... th..." I'm out before I can say anything else. I hope it's Anakin coming, I just risked everything to escape. Now I'm probably going to be sold, because I can't stop being curious or rebellious.

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