Chapter 11: Fading

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Having just escaped Count Dooku, Anakin Skywalker rushes to get his Padawan Ahsoka Tano to the Jedi Council. Ahsoka having been tortured, and then possessed by the force is starting to fade. Will these visions take everything away from her, or will the Jedi find a way to save Ahsoka before it's to late?

Anakin's point of view

I'm rushing Ahsoka to the medbay, she is still unconscious from what just happened. I am scared at what I just saw. The darkness inside of me was transferred into her, and she almost died because of the force. I hope that the darkness is expelled from her, I know that I carried a lot of darkness inside of me. However, since what just happened, I can't sense the darkness. I think it was transferred from my being to Ahsoka. I hear Barris coming up from behind me.

"Master Skywalker wait, please I have to tell you something important."

"Not now Barris I have to get Ahsoka to the medbay."

"That's just it, she is not injured anymore. She is just exhausted, Ahsoka is my friend so I know what you are going through. Just please let me finish."

"Fine, just make this quick."

"I overheard some of Ahsoka's torture, and um, she's beginning to loose her memories. The visions are starting to take over her mind. They are starting to replace her memories, and she doesn't know how to stop them from doing that."

"Ok, but can I do about it?"

"You're the Chosen One, so do something about it."

"I will contact the Council." Suddenly, Ahsoka starts to wake up.

"W-What's going on? Who are you? Wait a second, where am I?" Ahsoka struggles and gets out of my arms. She looks disoriented and confused.

"Ahsoka, hey. It's me Ahsoka. Don't you remember?" I look at her with pleading eyes/

"Yes, wait a second. Anakin, what's going on!" Ahsoka is starting to have a panic attack.

"Breath Ahsoka, just breath. Come on, wee need to talk with the council."

"O-Ok." She reaches her hand out, and I take it. I don't care if Barris is her, I just am concerned about Ahsoka.

Ahsoka's point of view


Anakin got ahold of the Jedi Council, it has been so hard to actually remember who I am that I wasn't focused on the meeting going on.

"Ahsoka. Ahsoka, are you ok?" Anakin looks at me with his worried expression.

"No master, I'm having a harder time remembering who I am. I'm scared. What's happening to me?" I look to the Council to see if they have the answers, but they don't.

"A theory I have, on how to regain your memories and keep the visions I do."

"What is i t Master Yoda?" I perk up a bit to get his answer.

"Go to Illum you must, find a crystal Ahsoka. Only not used for a lightsaber this one's task is, get back to the temple right after you find it. Explain the rest here I will."

"Thank you master Yoda." I bow and leave the room. I manage to get all the way to my quarters, then everything starts spinning. I start falling, when I hit the cold surface of the floor. Everything goes black, and then part of my memory fades. I feel someone holding me, I don't know how long I've been laying on the ground, but when I wake up. I see Anakin looking at me, he looks so worried.

Anakin's point of view

I felt a disturbance in the force, I head off to see what it was. I walk down a hallway that leads to Ahsoka's room, but her door is open. That's weird, Ahsoka always shuts her door. I walk into her room to see if she's ok, but instead I find her on the ground not far from the door.

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