I: New Prey

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.:Karma's POV:.
The streets gradually became more crowded as I moved on, I even recognized some of the people I saw. I didn't say anything to them of course. Why would I? Not when I have new pray waiting for me. As I continued walking I started to imagine the now oh so familiar scenes that have played each and every time up until now. They're all similar and yet they never get old and always spark a jolt of energy and joy through me.

The sound of people screaming for mercy, and then crushing their final dream by ending it with one last fatal blow. Blood that sprays around everywhere, their faces all with expressions filled with agony, that slowly fade away and turn pale. The best of it was that this cycle would never end... Only the thought of it was already miraculous, I couldn't wait to get my new assignment.

I walked through several streets, many of which I have been to countless of times, whether passing or actually spending some time there to do whatever. The headquarters were near the center of the city heart, it looks like any business building from the outside. But not unnoticeable. Wouldn't want any possible clients not finding it or getting too much attention focused on such dark professions. All funded by the government of course. Must be pretty hard to get your request accepted. Sometimes it feels good being the one carrying out these missions. Not the victim or the one trying to get someone killed legally.

"Heh..." I let out a lazy and faint laugh at the thought of it. 'We humans really are horrible aren't we?' I thought to myself, while trying to contain the laughter I usually would had let loose if I was alone and in a secluded area. Resulting in only a slight snicker that didn't get the attention of many, luckily.

I peacefully continued my walk to my destination without anyone bothering me, as I now stood in front of a tall building that was being surrounded by many other buildings. Stores, offices, food places. Pretty much everything you needed. I walked into the building and a smile like before appeared on my lips again, just less noticeable.
Choosing the right path wasn't one of the easier things to do here, it was practically a maze. But I've been here so much that it's practically my home. I needed to head to Karasuma's office... this is going to be fun.

I walked through the hallways like it was a second nature, getting all the eyes on me. My mind always thinks this is all too funny, grown up men and women who are scared of a middle schooler with the same profession as them. As if they're in the shoes of my victims. A joke! It's not like I would kill anyone that is not my target... just maybe mess with them a bit, haha.

Everyone stepped aside to let me through, causing the paranoid look in my eyes to become more visible by the second. I soon reached the office and knocked four times. Then opened it.

.:Karasuma's POV:.
Talking to that brat's always a pain, but I've got to play it professionally. Then not too long after I sent the message, I heard four knocks. Signature. His previous one was probably finished off relatively close by. Then the door was opened.

Karma walked in, with that ever so sadistic and paranoid look on his face. The others must've acted like they saw the devil again. He took the seat at the other end of the desk and his smile quickly turned into a smirk, and so we sat there in silence for several seconds. I then shook my head and shoved the papers in front of him.

"Aw.. not even a hello?  You're hurting me with that, Tada." were the first things that came out of that mouth of his.
"It's Karasuma, and I thought you always liked to cut straight to the case?" I replied with a hint of annoyance in my voice.

It seems like that worked, like it always does. His expression died off and he started looking over the papers I just handed over. As expected, his eyes seemed to widen with disbelief, and a smile crept up onto his face again. Then he burst out into laughter. I closed my eyes and had my elbows on the table with my hands cupped while I let him finish. After a while he finally calmed down.

"Tada-san~ You're aware that April Fools was last week right?" he started, pointing to the calendar that hung at the wall that showed the date, April 6th. I shook my head slightly and then continued like I had with any other assignment I had ever given him, like the very first and the previous one.
"That, thing, is your next target. He may not seem like it, but he will be your hardest one yet." After that, it seemed like I finally caught his attention, for real. His face now looked like that of a young boy's that was asking his parents all about things he didn't know about yet.

"I suppose you're aware of what happened to the moon?"
"Ahhh, that. It's now crescent shaped due to about 60 or 70% blowing up right? I'd sure like to know who bl-" I was waiting for him to figure it out. He's quite the bright one after all, even though I don't like to admit that.
"You're kidding..." he continued, a faint tone of disbelief in his voice. He scanned through the documents one last time and put them down.
"You have my attention, completely." He finished off his sentence. In the most serious voice I've ever heard from him. It felt like he actually took it as serious as any other assassin here would take their assignments.

"Well, you would be correct. So he threatens to do the same with the Earth in a little less than a year from now on, if his life is not ended by then. He even offered to teach at a school in Tokyo, where his class is allowed to try to assassinate him. To no success as of now however. No single theory of why he blew the moon up has been proved valid, nor are any of the ones about his reasoning behind teaching a class." I paused, allowing him to take up everything I've said until now carefully. I hope I could see this serious side of him more often. It's much easier to deal with and is actually decently pleasant. This mission may be just the thing he needed after all...

"Thing is, you'll be send to that school as a transfer student. Kunugigaoka Junior High to be exact. You'll be the first one, there may be ones to follow. It would be for the best to have more experienced students there as well. It's been a while since your last transfer assignment, hasn't it?" He answered by a simple yet polite nod. I smiled slightly at that and continued explaining.

"The catch is that normal bullets, knives and other weaponry won't have any effect on him. They would rather be harmless, and bullets would even melt within him."
"How am I or any of those other brats supposed to kill him then?" The words escaped through his mouth as if his body was controlling it for him, he looked taken aback. I casually continued.

"Simple, weapons on the contrary. We had been testing on him for a while, and have successfully created weapons that do harm him. Given, they don't have any effect on us. I believe that this is all I needed to tell. But if you'd have any more questions feel free to ask, and you could even ask me when your mission has started. You'll be leaving in a few days and starting next week. One week after the other students. It's been a while since you've been able to experience life as a normal teenager. Enjoy and make the most out of it." I finally finished up and he let the whole conversation sink in.

"Alright... that should be enough information, thanks Karasuma. However..."
"Yes?" I answered with slight interest, it seems like he's really taking this seriously.
"If he lets people test on him, he's asking to be killed right? Yet, it is stated here, that he dodges every assassination attempt with his Mach speed whenever they try to. Don't you think that that's suspicious?"

I remained silent for a while, it's such an obvious yet difficult question that it got overlooked by everyone else. I answered the waiting read head in a simple manner.
"That's a question that I can't answer. You may find the answer during your mission however. You are now dismissed if you do not have any further questions."

He nodded in understanding. He stood up, taking the papers with him, and exited the room.
It was a risky choice to hire a kid, stealing away any chance of him having normal a childhood, receiving backlash, and all the more difficult procedures. However, I have never regretted that decision, and never will.

Phew, I haven't written anything this long in ages!
Again, apologies if it's very OOC, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless ;w;
This chapter is more so another starter. I understand there wasn't much going on here, and that it was mainly a revision of things already in the series, but please bear with me! <3
The "real" story will probably start in the next chapter, or the one following that. And Nagisa (+the rest of 3-E) will start to appear in that one as well.

The next chapter will be up in a few days, not sure when. I'll probably also wait and see if this gets any views at all?? Wouldn't want to write something for no one at all...

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