V: I Want To Get To Know You

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Karma put the thought of Nagisa in the back of his mind and stepped inside. After doing such, he got halfheartedly greeted by the hotel staff in the lobby. He gave them a quick glance and nod. He could almost feel their shudders afterwards, grinning slightly to himself. He walked into the hallway as if it was any normal day... and funnily, it kind of was, for a change. He got into one of the elevators after it arrived and pressed the button representative of the floor with luxury rooms, the top one.

As he heard the usual 'ding' he got out and walked to the back of the hallway, entering his, for now, home. He sat down at 'his' desk just like the days before and put his chin in the palm of his right hand, sighing with closed eyes as he did such. The boy looked at the clock hanging on the wall, "It's almost evening, huh." But he shook his head, he only just finished his café 'date' with the bluenette. 'I'll go a bit before closing time like yesterday. I just hope the staff won't mind.' He thought while laughing slightly. "Well, it's not like I'll give them a chance to mind anything..." He said quietly to himself with a faint, wicked smile on his face.

He shook any lingering thoughts out of his mind and got up, walking to his suitcase. He opened up the bottom part of it, getting out a strange, somewhat suspicious looking black notebook. After securely closing the case back up, he sat down again. The assassin opened the notebook quickly and turned it to the next empty page. Karma started toying with the pen he had put in his hand as he thought about anything 'Koro-sensei'.
He then quickly scribbled down everything he think he had learned on this day. When he looked over it, he didn't feel like there was anything in particular that could help him with the assassination. But thought that it's never bad to have some information.

Karma then began thinking of possible plans, dismissing every single one of them almost as soon as they appeared in his mind. And every time he wrote them down with a large 'X' through them. Eventually he gave up and decided to call it a day, for assassination at least. He sighed again as got his phone out of his pocket. Kind of surprised to see the missed call notification from Karasuma, he got up from the chair and walked over to his bed sitting down while dialing the number.

After only a few rings, it seems like the other side of the line accepted. "Hmmmm? Tada-sa~n? Is there something wrong? You never call me!" Karma started off in a annoying, sarcastic tone. Seemingly having gotten his sickly, playful personality back after being able to think about... killing. He just sat there and waited for an answer with a smile on his face like that of a little kid's. "I see you're back to normal again... great. I just wanted to know if you've learned anything, and other important points if there are any." The other side of the call answered a little annoyed.

Kind of taken aback, all Karma could do was 'hmpf' shortly. "Well... that's a rare honor that I've never gotten from you before. Well, nothing specific. I haven't learned anything besides the things already stated in one of the reports that you handed me earlier. I didn't expect to, anyway, so it's fine. But the day itself did go much worse than expected, but well, there is no need for you to worry your head about that, haha." The redhead kind of half assed his answer, with an obvious faked laugh at the end, unlike his usual very convincing one. Besides all that, his voice was a bit monotone, cold, and yet weak. All being direct opposites of his normally more chipper voice.
Moreover... it as also, quiet... and would've been inaudible if there was something going on at Karasuma's residence.

When Karma felt like the other side wanted to speak again, he quickly hesitantly cut him off abruptly. "When... do you think Jelavic's going to join the party?" Karasuma answered quick, a hint of suspicion in his voice. "Later this week, after she finishes her preparations." Karma just hummed in response and cut the call after knowing there wasn't anything else to the call earlier.

He let his phone fall onto the bed and followed right after himself. He closed his eyes in a struggling way and laid there lifelessly for a few minutes before looking at the clock again. Somehow, another few hours have already passed since arriving. Feeling tired and no hunger anyway, he decided to skip dinner for the day. He shook his head while getting up and went to the bathroom to wash up quick. After he got down onto the bed again, he dozed off rather quick. Some irritating thoughts surrounding his head making his sleep uncomfortable.

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