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Again. Sorry for the endless waits ksjksks. I've been really busy with school lately and don't have that much free time because of some other things as well.
In the left over time I usually watch a bit of anime, play games, doodle... etc. What I write in these cases if I do, are usually just drabbles and summaries of how I want stuff to happen, not actual chapters TvT

Really sorry for that! I hope to be able to continue with the actual plot again soon... Well see how that works out.

Anyhoo, besides that. I'll probably first rewrite a few of the chapters to pick up the groove for this story and the idea I had in mind. I noticed the last time I wrote the two newest chapters, that it was quite hard for me to get into it again. Because of it, I feel like it is kind of a seperate world from the earlier chapters, and I want to change that jxbna.
Another reason is that it's almost been a year ago that I started this, and the first chapters don't really show my current writing abilities that well.
And by doing this I may be able to make this story feel more connected haha.

I'll probably update those chapters all together in one or two days after finishing them all, in the hopes it won't be too confusing xp

Once again, thank you so much for sticking with me even though I'm so slow on this TT And I hope you may 'reread' some of the chapters if you've been here for some time, and if not, thanks for reading at all :D (And of course thanks a bunch if you'll make my little wish come true uwu)

Thanks, and see you in the next A/N! ^^

(Rewriting wil most likely take less time considering I already have fleshed out chapters to go off of, so stay tuned :^ I'll make a small update again on that matter if I start updating them~ (And of course, This'll be deleted when the new update comes up))

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