III: Caution

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.:Karma's POV:.
I gave my most natural looking smile to my new 'co-assassins' or classmates, after a short introduction. I took a look at everyone in the class, no one missed in the document, as expected. I could see everyone looking at me with curious eyes. I moved my head into Korosensei's direction and he still has the same expression on his face.
'I wonder if he doesn't have any different expressions.' Was the thought that has been lingering in my mind for a short while. He pointed into the back of the class, at some untaken spots, gesturing me to choose a seat.

I complied and walked in a slightly slow pace to my spot to get a closer look at some of the students. Most of them seemed kind of confused, and some even a little frightened, except for one person that sticks out. Someone in the second to front row.

When I got to the seat and sat down, I threw my legs on the desk immediately, getting some questionable looks from the others in the room. Korosensei shook his head and his movements told me to stop it, but I didn't. He shook his head and got ready for class. I just kept a smile on my face as if nothing happened. Class started not long after, and I sat down in a more normal position. Then proceeding to get a notebook out. Not for any notes about class, to note down some assassination plans, of course.

I took glances at Korosensei here and there, seeing how he moves and all with my own two eyes. I payed little to no attention to the lesson, but a lot to him. His interactions with the students seem kind, better than most teachers even, it seemed. I could sadly not make out many things, not knowing if he always does something or not. The first few classes fly by quick and I was brought back to reality when I heard a book closing loudly above my head. I looked up and saw Korosensei with some papers in his hand. I gave him a slightly uninterested look.

"Well, Karma? I know this is your first day, so it's completely up to you. Would you like to try and take this quiz?" He sounded as if he's afraid and annoyed that he may have to repeat something he already had carefully explained previously.
Sparing him that trouble, I groaned and rolled my eyes. Put my notebook aside and snatched a paper out of his hands. I glanced over the questions and wrote my name down afterwards. I continued, answering the questions the quiz was made of, and finishing only a few minutes later. Everyone else seemed to still be working on the first few questions. Korosensei did not leave my side and I handed it right back to him, somewhat surprising him. But he took it, nodded and got back to his own desk to start and grade it.

'I can't find anything to take notes on, boring. I always hate school related assignments. I just hope he'll be finished off soon. Whether by me or someone else. I just want to get this shit done and over with.' I leaned back slightly again, and after a short while, the bell rung.
"Finally." I whispered to myself quietly, making sure no one heard.

I got up quick so no one could keep me from leaving, and so I could stay away from this place as long as this break would last. But someone got there faster, blocking the doorway. I think it's the guy next to me. He's slightly taller with a wide and quite muscular build. He easily gave off the impression of 'stupid'. I just gave him an innocent smile, trying to get past him, but he wouldn't budge.

"Yo tough guy, where do you think you're going? Not even trying to know your new classmates?" He tried to sound intimidating but honestly failed at that pretty hard. But I answered anyway.
"Me? I just wanted to get some fresh air. I can't stay inside for long." I lied, trying to sound innocent. 'The thing I want least is getting to know people I meet on missions.' My mind reminded me, and I tried to get past him again. He would still not leave and it was getting me frustrated. 'This brat better watch out...'

"Aww, just this once! I'm Terasaka." He told with faked kindness and stuck his hand out. I hesitated but took it and walked back. 'He's going to pay.'
I noticed that some others, almost the entire class actually, got together near my desk. I rolled my eyes again and sat down again, same pose as before. I looked at them with innocent eyes. They should start, not me. It's not as if I want this. After a while some started to speak.

Bonded by Our Bloodlust 《Karmagisa》Where stories live. Discover now