VIII: Subconscious (Part: 1)

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.:Karma's POV:.
I woke up the next day from a headache, pounding in the back of my head and desperately trying to grab my attention. I tried to suppress it and sat up, ignoring it to the best of my abilities. Still half asleep, I ran too many thoughts for the early morning through my head. While using my right hand to rub through my eyes softly, I used my other hand to pick up either of the phones that lay on my bedside cabinet. I yawned and checked the time after turning the phone on. I put my left hand down and leaned on it while I used my right hand to check if there were any useful notifications and messages. After, I turned it off again and put it down bedside me. I sighed and closed my eyes. 'Almost two hours left...' I only needed to head out twenty minutes prior. It was a fifteen minute walk and I needed to prepare for about half an hour at the hotel, leaving me with over an hour's worth of time left for nothing. What a waste of valuable sleep.

I let go of the force in my arms that was holding me upright and fell down onto the bed with a soft thud from the mattress. "I woke up way too early." I breathed out with closed eyes. I turned my phone on again and checked if the alarm was set, then put it back on the cabinet. After breathing in and out a few times, I closed my eyes again and tried to doze off for now. With less weight and pressure on me than the previous night.

Various interesting sounds started to fill my ears and they slowly brought me back into a faint slumber... I opened my eyes to an all white surrounding. There didn't seem to be a solid platform where I would be lying on. I slowly sat up and started to look around, then stood up and started to explore the place. Once I came to a dead end in this previously seemingly endless space, some red markings started to appear all around. My violence tainted eyes were probably just looking straight ahead with no change in them. When I stretched my arm and touched the wall that was only a few mere inches in front of me now, I felt an urge to turn around. What I saw was quite the unbelievable sight.

Probably all of my victims up to this point were staring at me from afar, while quivering in fear, yet they had a murderous look in their eyes. But... what caught my attention were the people standing in the middle. The people that were once important to me, and whom had also lost their lives because of me. A cheerful young girl with long and wavy warm blonde hair, that looked at me without any murderous intent and a bittersweet smile. Next to her, a tall young man with short cut blue hair that matched his eyes, and the same expression.

My eyes widened slightly and continued to watch the situation that was playing out in front of me. The victims slowly continued to approach me while the boy and girl stayed still at their spot. I did the same, I had not moved an inch since I turned around and the victims that moved with a zombie like speed had almost caught up to me by now. When the first one got ahold of me, I still did not flinch and continued to stand there, lifeless. Soon more had caught up and it seemed like an endless amount of them kept coming. Each time, a new face, a different victim that probably resented me.

When the last one finally caught up, it seemed like my time in this messed up world was almost up as well. Soon, everything started to either fade or break down. Cracks started to form in the white walls and I started to break off as well bit by bit. For the first time in all this time that I spent in this space I finally felt something. I started to struggle and yelled out the names of the two who were still in their spot, but nothing seemed to be happening. I gave up and loosened my grip. I looked the two of them in the eye once again, and they moved for the first time in however long this dream could have been going on.

What was revealed after completely baffled me. Nagisa. Nagisa with a smile on his face that I have not seen yet. A genuine eye smile as one could call it, it felt more genuine that the one he shot at me last night. Even if this was not real. He started to speak, but I could not hear him. It was either that he stood too far away, or it was because he could not speak at all. But... what he mouthed was obvious enough that even a grade schooler could've maybe guessed it.

"Please save me." I said it myself, and it seems like he heard. He stopped mouthing his words, and proceeded with walking towards me, a smile still plastered on his face.
As he walked, more and more of the victims abruptly vanished, but I was still fading as well. By the time he finally stood in front of me, over half of my body was already gone. What he did next, was a complete surprise to me. He took me into his arms and tightly, hugged me...

For some reason, his voice was a bit more audible again. "Thank you... and it wouldn't hurt to trust people." I stepped back as quick as I still could with only half of my body left and stared at him in shock. "They don't resent you either, do they?" I said with a smile, and gestured to the two that had also started to fade in the time I was distracted.
Nagisa turned to me again, but this time his eyes seemed more menacing. "I wont ever." He said, before he finished me off and sent me back to the real world.

I yelled at the top of my lungs as I shot up from my bed. I was lucky that this suite is a soundproof one. I was somewhat shaky and my eyes were wide open as I panted heavily with sweat dripping off of my face. I panickily turned to my left and grabbed my phone. I looked at the time and jumped from my bed.

"Shit shit shit shit, I slept right through the alarm." I only had 25 minutes left. I hurriedly did everything, without bothering to eat breakfast, and then dashed off to school.

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