VII: Tears

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Karma only caught up to Nagisa after he had already left for several moments. The clicking of their steps onto the cold concrete floor beneath them sounded throughout the entire hallway, harmonizing with each other every step. Few other sounds could be heard, soft voices from the closed off rooms, beeps of monitors and a television on low volume. The hallway was lit up brightly by the lamps in the ceiling along with the previously mentioned broadcasting television. The place felt both dead and alive at the same time and had multiple contradictions altogether. But Nagisa seemed to not take any notice of their surroundings.

The two of them continued to walk in silence to the exit of the large building. Their expressions were cold and near emotionless, they didn't carry any feeling that a mere human would be able to spot. Karma eventually sighed and grabbed the shorter male by his shoulder, halting his steps and forcing him to turn around. "You left too quick. She said you'll need to come back if your voice were to return." His voice echoed throughout the space while he himself stared into Nagisa's sky blue orbs. After a few more seconds, the latter nodded and turned back around again. His thoughts still being a mess, all over the place. There was no way he could comprehend what just happened easily.

They remained silent during the entire scene, and that fact did not change after they had exited the building either. While Nagisa did not ask him to come this time around, Karma tagged along the entire way back to his home. Now having memorized every turn, everything already felt familiar and easy to figure out. By the time they exited the train it was already past sunset, and the sky had already darkened to a twilight like color. It was painted with several colors and countless of shades from each of them, all blending together from light slowly working up darker and darker until the color of an all familiar night sky started to take its spot and slowly work down more and more. It was enough to give anyone an amazing once in a life time experience as no dusk was the same. Its beauty would have left anyone's mouth agape, sadly if only nothing happened today.

Their walk toward Nagisa's home was pleasant yet strained. The silence caused uneasiness for the both of them, but it also felt save. They had a small distance between the two of them which later got bigger. Eventually being several meters apart from each other. Nagisa was still walking with a similar expression as before, but during all this time that got provided for him, he was trying to clear his mind. It started to show on his face bit by bit, as it slowly grew a little more worried every time he got something figured out and put in order. Karma on the other hand was just following the other without any reasoning. He had his hands tucked inside the pockets of his jeans and looked forward into nothingness. He could only feel fear, regret and rage, none of which were showing on his face.

When they finally arrived in front of the large building, Nagisa seemed to have finally regained most of his consciousness. He waited until Karma caught up and stood by his side before he entered. After entering the elevator, he pressed one of the many floor numbers, ironically it was '4'. There hadn't been any change in the silence and it didn't feel like they would say anything to the other for however long they may still be together that day. Karma stared forwards at the metal door while Nagisa stared at his feet on the ground. When the door opened, Nagisa still kept his eyes on the ground, and stepped out with Karma following.

Nagisa sighed almost soundly and walked up to the front door. He closed his eyes and ruffled his hair a bit and took out the elastics that were holding his pigtails into place. His long and slightly wavy hair caused by the pigtails fell down past his shoulders all the way to his back. After putting all his locks into a decent position, he got out the phone that he still held onto. He turned around to the other who was still standing in silence, waiting behind him.

The bluenette made a few gestures, implying Karma to unlock the phone for him one last time. The latter complied, doing exactly so and then handing it back to the male in front of him. Nagisa thankfully took it and did what he had probably done too many times already in the short time span. His fingers slid along the screen in a quick pace, picking up all the letters he needed to form each sentence. This time, after he finished, he read through the text once before handing it to Karma. When the other accepted it, Nagisa smiled a soft smile and turned around, opening the door and stepped inside.

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