VI: Let Me Hear Your Voice

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Karma jerked his head into Nagisa's direction. Only to be surprised by his opened eyes. 'I thought he was unconscious...' he thought as his own eyes widened a little bit.
Nagisa just looked at him. Neither hatred nor thankfulness was on his face.
He sat up, and tried to speak.

Nagisa's POV
I tried so many times, each time, I could only hear some close to inaudible wannabe humanlike sounding noises coming out of my throat. I coughed, and tried again. I laid down, tried again. I tried sitting straight, standing up, leaning. I pounded my left chest a few times, starting softly, then each time with a little more force until it started to hurt and I started to cough.

But doing that, seemed to grab Karma's attention as he finally unfroze from his spot and cautiously started walking toward me. ...His appearance was the same yet so different.
His hair was all messed up in a wild way. It would almost be attractive if not for the current given situation and what caused it. His outfit remained mostly the same as before, his white undershirt just got unbuttoned at the top. That, and his blazer hung only loosely on his shoulders now, threatening to fall off. Just weakly grabbing on to prevent that and dirtying itself.
Of course... that wasn't the only thing different. Besides that, he was all bloodied up. He had some very faint bruises on his wrists and the back of his hand, but was further unscathed. All the other red spots and blobs present on him are from his victim who now lifelessly and limply lay on the ground a little more in the back.

And... his eyes. That was the last different. While previously, he showed a lot of cocky yet humbleness, slight mischief and sadism sprinkled with a little bit of kindness and care. The only thing that I could make out from them was delight, sadism on a whole other level... and fear. There were surely other factors but those were all overwhelmed by the previously mentioned.

As he continued to near me, I slowly stepped back at the same pace each time he took one forward. My legs just kind of moved on their own without me having any kind of control. Karma's right hand slowly reached out to me as well after a few more steps, but he quickly lowered it again. We just continued like this for another minute or two with this crippling tension surrounding us until I felt my back hitting a wall. 'I guess it's a dead end here then, heh, ironic.'

I just closed my eyes as I slowly anticipated what was going to happen after. Thoughts of different outcomes went in and out of my mind. 'Maybe he's going to use this situation as blackmail, not sure how that would work, however. Torture to keep me quiet is also a possible option, I'm sure he's capable. Maybe he'll make me keep quiet in another way. Thought it's not likely I'd say anything anyway, I don't understand what went on here at all.'
"Why did I have to 'get to know you' through this way?" I mouthed, already having given up the option of trying to speak aloud. There was no point trying anyway. I expected something like this to happen sooner or later... this just sped up the process.

I still had my eyes closed as I suddenly felt arms surrounding me... into a hug? What's this mean? I opened my eyes and saw a slightly hunched Karma's side and top of his back. As well as my surroundings, including... the body. And as if he knew what I was thinking, he quickly switched our standing positions, still having us in the hugging stance. I was beyond speechless and I could just feel how wide my eyes were opened.

"I'm sorry... I promised to not do any of the things I did the past... just two days. If I didn't, none of this wouldda happened, hah. I guess I'm weak after all." I heard a somewhat cracking voice say as Karma let a small tear drop onto my left shoulder. "I'm sorry for being weak. I shouldn't have accepted your offer. Just look at where it got me... ah, sorry, I'm rambling."

Karma straightened and I followed with a fuzzy mind. 'How can this be the same person that just brutally murdered someone?' I thought as he put each of his hands onto my shoulders. "How are you?" he asked, too casually. 'How can you be so calm under this situation? I guess I only gave myself more questions that won't gent answered.'

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