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Pezzotsite walked to the other gems, avoiding Rhodochrosite a little.
E: "Hey Pezzotsite! It was quite an adventure, wasn't it?"
P: "It definitely was! Guess what Rhodium told us? She said that you shattered Small! I and Fluffy cried the whole way home."

She laughed. Emerald snickered.

E: "She probably told that because that was what I told to the pearl that opened the door for me. I'm sorry for making you panic."
P: "Well at least Small is okay! That's all I care about at the moment!"
J: "But didn't his gem crack?"
P: "It sure did! But I'm going to go to Rose Quarts' statue to clean it and to heal Small!"
J: "I could come."
M: "Jules! That could be dangerous! You're a little kid, you can't just go there."
J: "I'm 19!"
M: "S-still!"
J: "I'm going with her. Don't cry while I'm gone."
P: "Jules! Yes, thank you for coming! Is anyone else willing to join the battle against the vines?"
HTP: "Isn't two gems enough? I mean, they're just vines, afterall."
P: "You're right.. Well Jules! Let's go!"

Jules nodded, and so they walked to the warp pad with proud steps. They stepped onto the pad, and warped away.
The next thing they saw was an incredibly beautiful statue in the middle of flowing flowers. Pezzotsite teared up.

P: "That... is so beautiful!"
J: "They're just flowers, no need to cry."
P: "Y-you're right."

Pezzotsite wiped her tears.

P: "W-wait a minute."

She rubbed her eyes, then looked back at the statue.

P: "The vines are gone!"
J: "Maybe the Crystal Gems cleaned this place."
P: "Yeah! Now we just have to get Small in here! This is great!!"

Pezzotsite and Jules warped back to the base. Pezzotsite ran straight back to the backyard of the hall.

P: "Good news, Small! The statue is ready to heal some lapis lazulis!"
LL: "Nice. But how will I get there?"
PD: "We need someone strong to carry you there. But who?"
P: "I know just the right gem to do that!"

Pezzotsite ran to the frontyard, but couldn't find the gem she was looking for. She searched for a while, and then noticed the gem at the top of the hall's roof.

P: "Fleck? What are you doing there?"

She had to raise her voice a little so Fleck could hear.

F: "Nothing really."
P: "Okay well, could you do me a favor? Well, a favor for Small?"
F: "What?"
P: "Ugh, come here so you'll hear!"
F: "Alright!"

She jumped down the roof.

F: "Do a flavor for a small pie? I mean I'm not good at cooking but-"
P: "No I meant that could you do a favor for Small?"

Fleck took instantly an annoyed expression.

F: "What does that lil' brat want?"
P: "Well you see, his gem got cracked recently, and he needs to be taken to Rose Quarts' statue, and we need your help!"
F: "Why would he need help with that? He has two healthy legs he can walk with."

Pezzotsite shook her head.

F: "He doesn't?"

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