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(N/N) = Nickname

(E/C) = Eye color

(H/C) = Hair Color (Preferably black because of family status, but it's up to you)

(M/N) = Male Name

Story can be cringy
Proceed with caution!



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{3rd Person POV}

"This just in, another murder is on the case, police suspected that it's the same murderer due to the symbols carved in the victim's skin, and because of this all citizens must be assign--"

The newscaster was cut off by the television turning off.

"Tch, the news is so boring.. They only show stuff about me.." The boy yawned, sprawled across the dirty and old couch.

"Jesus christ (M/N) you're f*cking lazy, you need to clean this place up more.." Another voice said in the other room.

"Shut the f*ck up, Kiba.. Like you're one to talk, you don't even clean too.."

"Excuse me, i work for the sake of this hellhole! You only kill people for your entertainment!"

"Well it's your fault for being with a Villain.."

"I didn't ask for this, i was forced by a certain lazy guy who threatened to kill me if i don't work for him.."

"Blah blah blah... Just get out and go do your salary sh*t.."

"Tch, yeah whatever.." The man opened the door before he left with a slam of the door.

"That geezer is a pain in the ass.." his phone started ringing, he groaned before answering it.

"Who the hell is this?" (M/N) harshly asked the person calling him.

"I just need your help, (M/N)...."

"If it includes blood and payment, then spit it out!"


With Yuuei

"Listen up kids, from now on we want everyone of you to go straight home whenever school's over, the news already said there's another murder just last night.." Aizawa said to his students.

"Sensei! Who's the one behind this?" Kaminari raised his hand as he asked.

"Don't you watch the news, Kaminari-san?" Momo asked him.

✔ A Mere Hallucination || BNHA x Male!Villain!reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now