• The Aftermath (Mina) •

722 19 1

Again another steamy moment in this chapter, also mention of alcohol❗❗❗❗

(RF/N) - Random Female Name
(RM/N) - Random Male Name


At (M/N)'s workplace...

A certain (H/C)-haired male was currently emitting a gloomy aura in the staff lounge, his face now paler than it was.

The door suddenly slammed open, revealing his co-worker.

"Hey (M/N)-kun!– uh... Are you.. Okay?" (M/N) looked up, his (E/C) eyes filled with dark bags under them, he recognized the person as (RM/N), he then proceeded to press his head down the table again.

"Just stressed.. Since boss just cut down my paycheck.... Again..."

"You gotta loosen up a bit.. You look like sh*t." The statement made (M/N)'s hand bang on the table, he raised his head, the full view of his dishieveled hair and tired eyes.

"Gee, thanks for the compliment!"

"Sorry! But enough with that, you did say that your dad has a personal doctor now right? You don't have to worry about him since he'll be safe and fine!" (M/N) then, frowned.

"I can't help it... If i don't have enough money for his proper treatment.. He.. He'll.." At this point, the male started sobbing quietly, covering his face out of shame that people will think he's weak.

"It's okay... I understand your father's in a bit of a critical situation.. But he'll make it through, he was a former pro hero after all, he's tough!" (RM/N) rubbed his co-worker's back as a gesture of comfort.

"I don't know what to to just to help my dad.. F*ck.. F*CK!" (M/N) banged his hands on the table again, startling his friend.

"You should really relax.. How about you come with me and (RF/N) somewhere? I'll even pay!"

"Yeah sure.."

"Great! We'll pick you up around seven!"


Around seven....

"Seriously, where are we going?" (M/N) had his hands inside his jacket pockets, he was getting uncomfortable since he and his co-workers were not saying a word about the destination.

"You'll find out when we get there! It's a bit much but you'll get used to it!" (RF/N) exclaimed.

"Yeah! Now don't you worry about us bringing you somewhere.. Somewhere dangerous i guess?" (RM/N) scratched the back of his neck.

The (H/C)-haired male only sighed, continuing to follow the two.

After several moments of walking, (M/N)'s jaw dropped at the place.

It was a bar, well it wasn't those strip club places, but alot of drunkards were surely here, along with a DJ in the front, so (M/N) assumed it was a Night club than a bar.

"Why did the bouncer let us in anyways?!"

"Well.. My old man's friend owns this place.. So i have passes!" (RM/N) grinned..

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