• Nineteen •

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(cells at work crossover is just- SUGOI!)

•Deku x M!Reader
•Ryouko x M!Reader
•MinaAshido x M!Reader
•Uraraka x M!Reader

Anyways! On with the story!




{3rd Person POV}

Mina was in seated in a messy, broken mattress, her body covered in bruises and scars, her broken leg laying limp, she instantly tilted her up when she heard the metal door open.

"Now stay there." A red-haired male unknown to Mina was shoved in the room, making him fall face-first into the cement floor, the metal door slamming close with an unsatisfying click to indicate it being locked.

"A-Are you okay mister?!" Mina blurted out in worry, her eyebrows knitted together.

"I-I'm fine.... But you look worst than me.." The red-haired male said, sitting up, dusting off the dirt in his hair amd clothes.

"It's okay! I'm Mina Ashidoa by the way... Here.... You look like you had a rough time.. Was it because of (N/N)-kun?"

"I'm.. Kiba.. Ryouko Kiba.. And who's (N/N)?" Kiba had a confused expression, his eyebrows knitted together.

"He told me his name is (N/N).. He's alao known as Murderer: X, seems easier to remember." Mina shifted a bit, so that her broken leg won't bother her.

"His real name is actually (M/N) Aizawa... Kind of suprising that he is connected to the Pro Hero, Eraserhead.."

"Why didn't you report anything about (M-M/N) before you got here?" The question made Kiba tense up, he felt his eyes being engulfed in tears.

"I-It's a long story.... To make it short, he wasn't like that... Bloodlust, and killing.. It doesn't seem like the (M/N) i used to know..." Mina sighed, responding,

"We can just hope that we'll get out of here.. I can see that (M/N) is caring, i'm just a UA Student below his level, he gives me proper food and supplies to use here.." Mina gestured to the blanket, mattress, and ventilation in the room.

"But of course.. They can see us.. So we can't escape through the ventilation area..." Mina also gestured to the small CCTV cam in the corner.

"I-I'll help you with your leg and wounds, but you need to lie down first, it's going to hurt, well the drawback anyways..." Kiba stood up, walking over to Mina, who nodded in agreement.


With (M/N)...

"You know (M/N)-kun~ i wonder if your plan will really work~" Toga was sprawled across the coach, with (M/N) sitting in the end of it, Dabi leaning on the wall near them.

"Of course it will, i'm the one who thought of it!" (M/N) was holding a phone, the screen showing the footage of Mina and Kiba, Toga and Dabi knew it was connected from the camera in the room they were locked in.

"Don't get cocky." Dabi replied with a frown.

"Anyways, i'll go get some shut eye,.you two better not do anything stupid, especially you Toga." Dabi pointed at the blonde-haired female smiling widely.

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