• Fourteen •

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Fanart above is by Mien_Awesome
Arigato bestieeee



With (M/N)...

{3rd Person POV}

(M/N) was seated in a chair, his wounds getting treated a nurse

"This will hurt a bit okay? Recovery girl couldn't make it so doctor assigned it to me... We're quirkless so this would mean normal treatment.. " A nurse said, grabbing a cotton ball before applying alcohol in it.

The nurse started wiping the cotton against (M/N)'s scar, earning a small hiss of pain from the (H/C)nette.

"Gomen.." The nurse mumbled, continuing to clean the wound, the door opened to reveal a red-haired boy.

"Oh, ohayou Kiba-chan!" Kiba stomped over to (M/N), gripping a plastic bag of groceries tightly.

"Ohayou?! That's all you could say after i knew you were tortured and caught again?! You're f*cking pathetic!" Kiba gritted his teeth, the nurse quietly laughed at his argument.

"I'm sorry! I tried writing or calling you but i had no time! Plus i'm okay now, see? Well with a small help of your quirk if you agree, that is.."

"F*ck it, i'm not going to waste my quirk on an idiot like you!" Kiba started going for the door.

"W-Wait! I'm sorry! But could you at least fix my leg and shoulder?!" Kiba sighed in annoyance, walking over to him before dropping the plastic bag, placing his hands over (M/N)'s stabbed shoulder and broken leg, light started to come out of his hands, after a few moments the light was gone, he let go of the (H/C) haired boy's shoulder and leg, revealing it to be patched up.

"There." Kiba grabbed his plastic bag before walking out of the room, slamming the door behind.

"F*ck my head's killing me!" (M/N) grunted, holding his head tightly with one hand.

"We're almost done thanks to your interesting friend there.." The nurse giggled.

"Yeah he's interesting alright.."


"(M/N)-kun! You're going to be living with me!" A greenette suddenly said when (M/N) got out of the room.

"Oh, that's great! But what about Kiba-chan?"

"We tried to invite him but he said he'll stay at your 'apartment', he looked angry too... And don't worry about my mom! She's really nice!" Midoriya beamed, making the taller male chuckle and pat his head.

"You seem very comfortable for a guy who kills though.."

"That's because i love you.." Midoriya thought out loud, when (M/N)looked at him, Midoriya suddenly started to tremble in embarrasment, shaking his hands everywhere with his face in a bright shade of red.

"D-Did i say that o-out loud?! I-I-I mean i don't-- I mean, i-i-i--" Midoriya was cut off when (M/N) bent down and pressed his lips against the greenette's lips, (H/C)nette made sure to cover Midoriya and him kissing so no one can interrupt. the kiss lasted five seconds.

"I know you do~ so don't get embarrassed.." Midoriya slowly nodded before he led him outside the clinic.



At Midoriya's apartment...

"Izuku baby, you're home! Just in time for--" Inko suddenly dropped the glass cup she was holding, frozen in her place.

"Uh.. Mom?"

'This was a bad idea..' (M/N) thought with a sigh.

"I-I-Izuku... D-Don't hurt my baby Izuku please..." Inko was trembling, looking straight at the (E/C)-eyed male.

"But mom! He's--"

"Izuku, it's okay.. I'll go sleep somewhere else..." (M/N) told his boyfriend with a smile.

"(M/N)-kun! Mom wait let me explain! Can he just, come in please?" Midoriya said in panic.

"He's a high ranked villain! Izuku baby did this guy do something to you?!"

"Ma'am i'll just go, no need for any arguments...." (M/N) was already walking down the stairs outside of Midoriya's apartment.

"Mom, let him explain please...." Midoriya had a look of sadness in his eyes.

"A-Are you sure.... Well.. Fine.."

"(M/N)-kun you can come back!" Midoriya yelled at the taller male who was already down the stairs.

"Hm? Really?"

"Hai!" (M/N) grinned before running back upstairs.

When Midoriya and (M/N) explained all the events that happened, Inko of course gaped at the two when she heard about them dating, which made her shift in an uncomfortable way.

"Mr. Aizawa-"

"Please refrain from calling me by my last name.. Just please call me (M/N).."

"Sorry.. Okay then, (M/N)-san, i'm sure judging by my Izuku's description about you, you really love him.. Please take care of my baby.." The sentence made Midoriya blush a bit, he turned to face (M/N), who had his eye closed, he then responded along with a small hum,

"Of course i will Mrs. Midoriya, even if it means losing another eye.." (M/N) laughed a bit.

Midoriya smiled widely scooting over before hugging the (H/C)nette tightly, (M/N) responded by ruffling the hair of his boyfriend, Inko sighed, smiling at the two over the other side of the couch.


"I can just sleep on the floor you know.."

"But you need a good rest in a good bed.. I can just have the floor.."

"I know that Izuku, but don't worry about me, i'll be fine in the floor.."

"Are you s-sure?"

"Yes i'm sure now go to sleep, i'll just set up my futon.." Midoriya nodded, yawning and stretching his arms before sitting in his bed, proceeding to get inside the covers, (M/N) was laying his futon and pillow down the wooden floor.

"Night (M/N)-kun.." Midoriya mumbled, his eyes half-lidded, The taller male planted a kiss on Midoriya's cheek.

"Night.." (M/N) took off his shirt, his bandaged body exposed to the moonlight seeping through Midoriya's curtain.

Before (M/N) could get under his futon, he saw a cat in the window, he hummed in confusion, walking over to it with a sigh.

(M/N) opened the window, the cat purred and stared at him.

(M/N) still has his villain veins in him, he decided to test if his quirk came back on that cat, his left eye was fadely glowing red, he heard the cat hiss, but suddenly stopped.

"F*ck.. I think that's enough for now.. Now go home.." (M/N) mumbled to the glaring cat, in response the cat hissed again and ran away, sighing, (M/N) closed the window.

The (H/C)nette walked back to his futon, going under the soft cloth before taking off the cloth covering his missing eye, he closed his eyes before going into a deep sleep.



"If we can get pass the mother of that student, then we can get (M/N) back.."

"Yeah but how?"

"There's a thing called 'Frame' for a reason.. Spinner.."

"I can kill her tomorrow, Stain.."

"And don't forget to carve (M/N)'s symbol.. If we frame him then we can get the UA Student to hate him, then he will come back.. If those fake heroes really plan to change his ways then they're fools to think they're going to succeed.."


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