• Eight •

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Art above is mine

This takes place after todoroki's fight with sero.

May contain trigger and mature stuff.

EDITED: 9/3/2020
I removed the child's death




At the Sports Festival..

{3rd Person POV}

"What the heck..?! It's... It's.. HUGE!" Mineta yelled, looking up at the huge ice shard that Todoroki made.

"Poor sero.."

"I-It's cold..!"

"As expected of a student who got in recommendations!"

Midoriya was still bothered about (M/N) escaping, but he still managed to focus by being first in the sports festival, completing the cavarly battle and beating shinsou.

Midoriya stood up, going to the waiting room to think of strategies to beat his next opponent, Todoroki.

While he was mumbling, he opened the door to the empty waiting room, what shocked him is the persin inside.

(M/N) was there, drinking a cup if water, he looked to see Midoriya, dropping his hero analysis notebook.

(M/N) smiled, going over to midoriya, of course he closed the door so no one can see him.

"Izuku! Good thing it was only you! I really need to tal--" Midoriya punched him in the jaw, cutting him off.

"YOU IDIOT... I already told you we would bail you out! But noooo, you escaped, and because of that if a teacher or staff catches you here, you will go to jail again! I can't risk seeing you tortured in jail again..." At this point, midoriya had tears, hitting (M/N) in the chest until he was tired, (M/N) looked at the shorter boy, his (E/C) eye had a hint of guilt.

"I wanted to bail you out.. Because i also.. L-L-L-Love you.. I'm sure you can do more things than kill.." Midoriya was rambling, the unexpected confession caught (M/N) off guard, midoriya realized this, his eyes widening, he looked up at (M/N).

"I never thought you would feel that way~" (M/N) smirked, his scarf pulling midoriya closer.

"I-Ignore what i said! I'm just rambling!" Midoriya wiped his tears off, (M/N) shushed him by pressing his lips against midoriya, catching him off guard with his eyes wide.

After a moment, he wrapped his arms around the villain's neck, kissing back, (M/N)'s scarf wrapping around him, his hands in the greenette's waist, pinning the shorter male to the table.

While they were kissing, they didn't hear the footsteps coming at the door, when the door opened, Midoriya and (M/N) suddenly pulled away in shock to see the figure at the door.

"T-Todoroki-kun..!" Midoriya muttered out, instantly pushing (M/N) off.

"Oh i'm sorry i interrupted.. I just wanted to talk to you since we're going against eachother next... But who's this?" Todoroki bluntly said, with a tint of pink visible in his cheeks, Midoriya was suprised that Todoroki didn't recognize the villain, but he is wearing different clothes now, (M/N) just kept quiet, leaving the talking to Midoriya.

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