• Five •

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The next weeks...

{3rd Person POV}

"I wonder who will be the subtitute teacher!" Mina exclaimed, smiling at her classmates.

"Yeah, Mr. Aizawa was really injured at the fight at USJ.."

"Yaomomo! Good job with catching that villain! As expected of a student who was in the recommendations!"

"O-Oh it's nothing everyone.." Momo said, flustered at the compliments.

The door slid open.

Revealing Aizawa in bandages, sround his arms and face.

"MR. AIZAWA?! WHAT'RE YOU DOING HERE?" The whole class yelled in unision.

"I'm your teacher."

"But you're still injured!" Kaminari said.

"At least he's okay!" Uraraka said cheerfully.

"Does that look okay?!"

"My well-being doesn't matter, it's the events that will happen soon.."

"Do you mean.."

"That there would be.."

"MORE VILLAINS?!" Mineta finished the sentence.

"No, the upcoming UA sports festival will happen the next several days."

"THIS LOOKS LIKE FUN!" The whole class yelled again.

"Tch, i'm not done yet.. We have a visitor too.." Aizawa said in discomfort.

'Is it a  Pro Hero?!' Some of the class thought happily.

"You can come in.." Aizawa said out the door, followed by wheel sounds.

"Be careful with him, Eraser head, he's been an animal since the last several days.." The police said while wheeling a restrained (M/N) to the classroom.

The whole class' face paled at the sight.

"S-Sensei.. Is that.."

"THE MURDERER VILLAIN: X?!?!" Mineta yelled in panic.

"Thank you for bringing him, you can leave him to us, and yes Mineta, that's him.."

'His temper looks worse than Kacchan ..' Midoriya thought.

"I would like to explain this villain over here.. Officer would you mind taking off that muffler?" Aizawa said, the police nodded, carefully taking the muffler off of (M/N), metal clanking can be heard.

The whole class was shivering from the sight of the villain.

"LET ME GO THIS F*CKING INSTANT, I CAN'T BEAR SEEING THIS BASTARD'S FACE!" Are the first words that came out of (M/N)'s mouth when the muffler was gone.

Aizawa sighed.

"Sensei.. He's scary.." Kaminari shivered, Mina nodded with him.

"Don't worry, he's harmless when you get to know him.." The police beside him said.

"Tch, what the hell do you scum want anyways?" (M/N) asked in anger, giving up struggling.

"He's not so bad afterall!" Bakugo grinned.

(M/N) just smirked, looking over at the ash-blonde boy.

"I defeated you last time, didn't i?"

"Bakugo-san, don't tempt him.." Iida told Bakugo while sweatdropping.

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