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With (M/N)....

{3rd Person POV}

"Oi, X, a you have a visitor." A police said through the prison bars.

"Tch, who is it?"

"It's a guy with green curly hair, he says he's a friend of your father..."

'That plain-looking guy..'

"Fine i'll go see him.." (M/N) stood up and walked to the door cell, of course he still has the heavy cuffs in his hands while he was dragged outside of the cell.

The police forced him to the chair, infront of the visitor through a glass.

Midoriya was there also sat in a chair, with a mic sat by, they both got close to the mic to talk.

"What do you want, brat?"

"I-I-I don't want any harm (M/N)-kun.. I just.. Wanted to tell you that tomorrow you'll be busted out.." The greenette said nervously.

"And why is that? I'm a villain am i? Who would want to bust out a crazy person like me?"

"Well (M-M/N)-kun, the whole class voted wheter to bust you out or not.. But suprisingly there are tons who wants to bust you out, so we all gathered up enough money to do so.. And it's because, we don't think you're bad at all.. You're just misunderstood.. We know deep inside you're a good guy.." Midoriya took a deep breath to continue.

(M/N) was shocked to hear all this, making his lower lip tremble.

"We, the UA students in Class 1-A want to help you, we can help you become good again! And maybe you and Mr. Aizawa can have a normal father-son relationship!-" Midoriya was cut off when (M/N) banged his fist in the glass, making it crack a bit, he has his teeth gritted in confusion and anger, Midoriya instantly whimpered, shifting backwards.

"WHY?! YOU WANT TO HELP A LOW-LIFE ROTTEN CRIMINAL LIKE ME?! Why.. I'm just a murderer who kills people for fun.. I deserve to die.. SO WHY HELP ME?!" (M/N) snarled, catching the attention of some officers, who ran up to him and held him restrained, but before they can, (M/N) kicked them off, going over to the mic.

"PLAIN GUY! PLEASE GO TO THAT ABANDONED APARTMENT NEAR TOWN! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU! HELP MY FRIEND THERE! APARTMENT 3!" (M/N) shouted before he got pushed down by one of the officers, the other officers apologizing to midoriya.

Midoriya was still shocked but he listened to what (M/N) had said, making him nod before he went to the mic again.

"My name's Izuku! Izuku Midoriya!" This caught (M/N)'s attention, looking up to see Midoriya gone.

✔ A Mere Hallucination || BNHA x Male!Villain!reader (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now