• Hosu •

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tw: noncon / drugs

Being sent here was a mistake... For me anyways, does dad even know the place treats people like this?

I don't even know what's going to happen soon, but i feel like i won't even come out of this place alive... Mentally anyways.

It just feels like i'm being controlled by my doctor, i don't like her one bit, she introduced herself to me yesterday, well not really, she only told me her last name was Azuma.

She was no doubt beautiful, nice and smart, but under that amazing mask is a psychopath, she doesn't kill, but she tortures, i found out about it when my therapy session with her began, is this even therapy? It feels like forever since this began.

Even though she was a doctor, i feel like she's also a female molester....

"(M/N), you do know the reason why you're sent here, right?"

"F*ck off– ACK!" I felt jolts of pain being sent from my neck up to my head, it feels like i'm being stabbed multiple times, i looked up to see her holding a small remote.

So that's connected to this stupid thing in my neck, god i would've attacked her if it weren't for this restraints.

"Answering with that kind of language and there'll be more where that came from, why don't we try again, hm?"

"O-Over my dead body.." A kick was sent to my stomach, dαmn... Her heels are making it really painful.

"Let's try it again anyways, why were you sent here?" She gave me one of those usual creepy smiles.

"B-Because i was..."


"Because i did.. B-Bad things.."

"Good boy!" She started petting my hair, she treats me like a child, so i was forced to do whatever she likes, if don't.. Well you know...

"Y'know, you're really good-looking for a villain, too bad you have to forget about me after a few years~"

"Huh? What do you mean?!"

"Oh nothing, don't mind that! Anyways, i'll send you back to your room and we'll continue this after lunch, be a good boy and behave okay?" She wrote something on her usual clipboard before pressing a button near the exit door.

In came a few guys in suit, they began dragging me back to my room.


"Why're you crying? Hey come on now this isn't the time for you stupid whining!"

"J-Just end this f*cking session and get it over with–" The same electric pain was sent inside my body.

"Calm down~ be thankful it won't fry you to death, now let's continue shall we?"

"..." I couldn't argue, with her authority, i could get killed, and i promised mom that i would come out alive for her...


Some years later...

"You're doing a great job... Heh, it feels like yesterday when you lost yourself~"


"Aww come on now, you can answer me y'know? Mnh~"


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