• Seven •

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Art above is (M/N), art by me

Updated 12/5/2020: fixed the money issue here.



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The next day...

{3rd Person POV}

"Todoroki-kun you didn't have to come with me.." Midoriya said while walking to bust (M/N) out with Todoroki.

"It's fine, i'd rather come here than at home where my father is.." Todoroki responded bluntly.

When Midoriya and Todoroki got at rheir destination, they saw a familiar face.

"Kacchan! What're you doing here? Aren't you training for the sports festival?" Midoroya asked the ash-blonde figure standing infront of the tall dark building.

"Is it wrong for me to come here, sh*tnerd? And why is that icyhot bastard here?" Bakugo asked with a glare.

"I could ask you the same thing to you.. Procupine.."

"L-Let's not fight guys.." Midoriya exlclaimed, sweatdropping, bakugo onky scofded while todoroki sighed.

Midoeiya sighed in relief that the argument, the three entered the door, what shocked them is that officers and other people were running around, some dropping scattered papers.

"What the hell?" Bakugo mumbled.

"Expected of a jail full of villains.." Todoroki clicked his tongue.

Midoriya went to the front police who was in panic, looking down at papers.

"Umm... Excuse me.. I'm the boy who scheduled a bail out for the villain, Murderer: X.." The police's eyes widened.

"You haven't heard?!" The police said.

"Wh-What?! Heard what?!" Midoriya started bombarding the police with questions.

"I'll just give you the extra report file.." The police got over to some drawers, pulling out a white folder with papers in it.

"Thank you!" Midoriya bowed before running back to Bakugo and Todoroki, who went outsids.to get fresh air from all the chaos inside.

"Where's (M/N)?"

"Yeah, i sacrificed my f*cking lunch money for that bastard."

"G-Guys.. Bad news.. Real bad news.. We need to tell the class tomorrow... "

"But isn't the sports festival starting tomorrow?"

'This is bad...' Midoriya pulled on his hair, dropping on his knees in the cement pathway.

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