• Eleven •

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AoT fans will understand a part in this chapter.

Mentions of torture!



After the sports festival...

{3rd Person POV}

Midoriya wasn't paying attention to class at all, Midnight's math class was only a blur to him, the only thing in his mind is (M/N).

Everyone seemed worried of fhe green-haired boy, especially about Bakugo having his medal between his teeth.

"Alright so you can find x when... Midoriya, are you okay?"

This made Midoriya snap out, his head turning towards Midnight who was looking directly at him.

"Umm.. I'm okay..."

"Do you need to see Recovery Girl? If so go on ahead, just don't go dozing off at class.." Midnight went back to writing her lessons in the board.

Midoriya nodded before standing up, going over to the door to go to Recovery Girl's office.

"Another injury?" Is what Recovery Girl told Midoriya the moment he went inside the office.

"No.. I just need to rest.. A bit of headache.." Recovery sighed and nodded, gesturing for him to rest on the bed.

Midoriya thanked her before he sat on the bed, he reached his pocket to reveal the small paper that (M/N) used to give him, Midoriya looked around only to see Recovery girl busy, he opened the folded paper to see a neat handwriting by (M/N), the paper a bit crumpled.


'Izuku, i'm sure it would be you who would read this, but if you're really reading this, then it may be an emergency, don't worry about me getting killed or caught, i deserve it for breaking dad's heart and killing several innocent people, i just want you to know that someday would be back for you, even if it takes days, weeks, months, years or decades! take care of Kiba-chan for me!



Despite the fact that midoriya was clenching the small note, he was happy that (M/N) would be okay since he said it himself.

When he heard the bell ring, he excused himself to recovery girl before going outside the office to eat lunch.


With (M/N)....

(M/N) was walking down a hallway, his hands chained up, he got injected with a serum again to stop his quirk temporarily for a long time, he was walking alongside four heavily armed police, his head hung low, he had bruises around his arms and face due to punishment.

"Keep moving!" One of the police said, shoving (M/N)'s back with his gun, earning a grunt from the male.

"If a jail isn't going to keep you at bay then this will have to do!" Another police said, taking off the before he pushed (M/N) inside a room, the walls made of metal, a camera at the side and no ventilation, there were no bars, only a glass wall and a big metal door with a small hole.

Before (M/N) could get up, the metal door slammed close.

"F*ck..." (M/N) sighed before he sat down at the cold floor, his head hung low.

"What the hell even is this place..?" He mumbled to himself before he stood up and began to bang on the metal door and tapping on the glass wall, before he he shoved his whole body against it, earning a groan from him.

"F*ck this strong ass glass!" He muttered before the small hole in the door opened.

"What do you want, villain?"

"I just want to know where the hell am i?"

"You're in Masutafu's highest security level asylum, people like you deserve to live in hell like this."

"WAIT WH--" Before he could yell, the guard closed the small door to cover the hole, (M/N) slammed his fist in the metal door in anger before growled.

"I'll f*cking show you hell someday.."

When hours came, the metal door open to reveal the same guard who talked to him, (M/N) glared at him.

"Get up, we're bringing you somewhere."

(M/N) clenched his fist, time slowed down as (M/N) got up and ran to the guard, his handcuffed fist about to collide with the guard's face, before he could, he felt a large stinging pain in his stomach, making him scream in pain and hold his stomach, he looked up to see the guard holding a tazer.

"My quirk allows me to predict events that will happen in seconds idiot. Now get up and be a good boy." (M/N) but his lip, getting up and following behind the guard.

After some minutes, (M/N) was brought inside a room, the walls dark with the bright lights and the window in the door being the only light source.

"What the hell?"

A man man with a suit came up to the villain.

"Since you have committed too much crime, (M/N) Aizawa, we have been ordered to punish you badly.." The man said, before (M/N) could react, he was kicked in the face hard, earning a wince of pain from the male.

(M/N) gritted his teeth while he was being pulled up by the hair, getting kicked in the other side of his face.

"Not only adults.. But you also traumatize children.. How cruel.." The man kicked him by the chest, making (M/N) spit out blood into the man's suit.

"F*ck you little.." (M/N) got kicked repeatedly everywhere, his face, chest, and sides. This happened again and again within thirty minutes.

"That's it for today, hope you get prepared for tomorrow..." A guard picked up (M/N) by the chains in his arms, dragging him outside the room.

'Izuku.... I'm sorry... But i promise.... I'll get back one day...' (M/N) thought before he lost conciousness while getting dragged back to his room.


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