• Nine •

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With (M/N)...

{3rd Person POV}

When (M/N) finally got in the back of the sports fest, he was looking for Midoriya in the waiting rooms, but he made sure to not be seen by students and teachers that are passing by.

"This place is too big.. I guess i have to ask someone i can trust.." (M/N) sighed walking over to a waiting room with people in it, he carefully opened the door to make a small gap, peeking in to see the people in it;

Todoroki and Bakugo, they seem to be arguing with eachother due to the table flipped over and Bakugo yelling.

'I guess i have no choice...' He slowly opened the door (SAYORI WTF nah im kidding) gaining the two male's attention.

"Who the f*ck are you?" Bakugo harshly asked, while todoroki just remained seated due to him recognizing you.

"I just wanted to ask where Midoriya Izuku might be?" (M/N) tried his best to act polite.

"He's the nurse's office.." Todoroki answered, Bakugo irked in anger form being ignored completely.


(M/N) scoffed before leaving, closing the door, leaving an angered Bakugo screaming in anger.

'That kid has issues..' (M/N) thought while he laughed quietly, he then bumped into someone else shorter than him.

"O-Oh sorry i wasn't looking... Um.. Who are you?" (M/N) recognized the voice to be Uraraka Ochaco.

"Oh it's my fault, and i'm just a friend of Izuku.. Do you know where the nurse's office is?" (M/N) said through gritted teeth, he wasn't used to much attention from people he don't knoe that much.

Uraraka hesitated, but answered anyways by pointing at the direction to (M/N)'s destination, he nodded before bowing, the gesture made (M/N) frown when his fsce was facing downwards.

"A-Arigato.. Anyways i'll be on my way.." Uraraka smiled at the male before waving goodbye, waking past him.

'I should be careful next time.. If that was a teacher, i would have been in jail by now..'

After a few moments (M/N) stood infront of the door to the nurse's office, when he was about to knock, the door opened, making (M/N) panic, but he calmed down to see who it was.

"(M/N)-kun?" Midoriya looked back to the office to see Recovery girl and All Might looking at him.

"W-We gotta hide!" Midoriya gestured for the taller male to follow him, since his hands are broken from his fight with Todoroki, Midoriya led him to the same place where him and Todoroki talked about Midoriya being All Might's love child, and about Endeavor.

"You should be careful.. All Might was right there, if he sees you we're done for..."

"You're worried with a villain who kills~ That's cute, Izu-kun~" The sentence made Midoriya blush brighter than the author's future.

"I-I'm always worried with people who might get hurt! And it's because i like you.."

"Yeah i know~ You're my little boyfriend now, who aims to be a hero! I wonder if it would work though.. A hero and a Villain together in secret.." (M/N) leaned at the wall.

"Don't remind me about that.. It makes me feel uneasy since i feel a bit sick falling in love with you.. But you can be a better person.. That's why i liked you since the beginning.." (M/N) snickered before he instantly pulled the male close to him with his scarf.

"Shh~ Just be quiet and think about me.. And only me.." (M/N) huskily whispered to the greenette, making him tremble in embarrasment.

"(M-M/N) i-" before he can talk, he was cut off by (M/N) roughly kissing him, instantly ahoving his tongue at inside midoriya's mouth when he was off guard, the action made Midoriya let out a small moan, making the Villain smirk through their kiss.

(M/N) pulled away before he moved down to Midoriya's neck, placing soft kisses in it while the greenette whimpered.

"No one can interrupt us this time~" The taller male whispered before he attacked his lover's lips again, his scarf moving around while his arms wrapped around Midoriya.

"(M/N).. We.. Can't.." Midoriya said between kisses, making (M/N) pull away with a frown.

"And why not~?"

"Do you think i can do that in this state?" Midoriya gestured to the bandages ariund his chest and his arms wrapped in a cast.

"Tch, you have a point..."

"I have to get back, i can't miss Todoroki-kun and Kacchan's fight.. You have to go or else you might get caught.." (M/N) clicked his tongue in annoyance.

"Alright... I'll go now, Kiba-chan's probably waiting for me now anyways.." The sentence made Midoriya's eyes widened, a glint of jealousy unexpectedly showing in his eyes, (M/N) was about to go but was stopped when Midoriya ran and stopped him from doing so.

"U-Uhm.. I changed my mind, you can stay, but you need keep quiet.." Midoriya told him, making (M/N) confused but he accepted anyways.

"Come on.." Midoriya walked back inside with (M/N), who has a smirk on his face due to him knowing why Midoriya had stopped him.

"By the way (M/N)... Did you really murder someone a while ago?" This question caught (M/N) off guard and began fake coughing.

"Gomen.. I couldn't help it..."

"(M/N)... You should think about their families.... If it was child you have killed, i would have told everyone that you're here.." Midoriya said, making (M/N) take a deep breath.


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