• The Aftermath (Kiba) •

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reader-kun won't be meeting Midoriya in this story.

Confused about something with the Midoriya ending?
Kiba was told to be quiet about (M/N)'s past and told him to act like he has amnesia and doesn't recognize one bit about (M/N).

34-year-old Kiba drawing on top by me (which sucks since i rushed and it was created around 10 PM).

Merry christmas!

ANYWAYS! On with the story!


"(M/N), be careful out there okay?" The voice of my sick father told me.

"Of course i will, who will take care of you if i don't?"

"Heh, you have a point, but don't worry about me, it's just minor."

"Is being connected to Monitors and IVs minor?" I sighed buttoning up my green polo shirt, before taking my duffle bag with me.

"Alright alright, make sure to bring someone to take care of you as well!" Aizawa chuckled st his son's flustered reaction.



Later... (cue spongebob voice)

God i'm so tired..

I feel like i haven't slept for weeks, i couldn't help it, my dad's sickness disturns me and i just want to cure him fast without any problem.

I just hope i don't get fired or else medication bills for dad's sickness.. I can't even think straight.

I just need to get through this day and sleep later..

"Sorry for being a bit late! H-Here's your order!" I tried to hide my tired expression since it would be rude to the customers, i managed to carry the tray with tea and cheesecake.

"It's- FINE!" I heard him — my customer — yelp.


"I'M SO SORRY!" I kept apologizing as the tea that i tried to balance in the tray was spilt in the table and some on his pants, i looked around to see my co-workers looking at me in concern, and some people looking at the scene i created.

'I'm so fired right now..'

"H-Here i'll get you some tissues and i-i'll replace your tea!"

"Hey it's fine.." I looked at the red-haired male to see him wiping the mess i created with his own hankerchief.

'That cloth.. Looks so familiar..'

I quickly shook away my unecessary thoughts, avoiding his gaze so that i won't have to deal with his angered expression.

"I'll go get you another tea! Again i'm so sorry sir!" I picked up the now empty cup and placed down the cheesecake before rushing to the back.

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