Chapter 23

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Yoongi, who was still at the corner,  seemed more worried than the other members.

"One minute." Rose said beside me.

I panicked.

You'll see them eventually. A voice said inside of my head.

I calmed down and turned to face Rose.

Then took a step back.

"Sorry but... I know that I will see you all eventually." I told them with a pained smile.

Rose and my parents smiled back at me.

"Very well." My mother said, smiling.

"If that's what you wish to do." My father added, also smiling.

I smiled back.

"Thank you." I told them. "Can I... at least give you a hug before we get separated again?"

They smiled radiantly. My mother broke into tears (she can be quite sensitive at times).

"Of course!" My mother exclaimed happily.

I ran into her open arms, hugging her tightly. I muttered goodbye to her.

Then I hugged my father, telling him goodbye as well.

Then turned to Rose.

She hugged me before I could say 'I'.

We let go of each other. Rose put her hands on my shoulders.

"See you, Eclipse." She said.

"Bye, Rose."

Meeting BTS; Book One, I'll Take The ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now