Pain (Jeff)

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Jeff put the last box in the back of his truck with a grunt as he stacked them perfectly into place. The boxes were all lined up so that they were all flush with one another. He took a deep breath while dusting his hands off on his jeans as Brant looked over at him. "Are, you ready to hit the road?" He asked as he pulled his key from his left pocket.

"Yeah..." Brant replied, his voice suddenly sounding nervous.

"Well then let's go, we have a bit of a drive ahead of us!" Jeff said, starting for the driver's seat.

"Hold it you two!" Clare cried out from the doorway, her long flowing skirt flapping in the soft breeze. "You were just going to leave without giving your mommy a hug goodbye? I mean, I know you're excited to finally go get dirty on each other, but I want a hug from both of you since I don't know when I'll see you next!"

"Mom..." Brant whined out as he began to smile. "We are respectable adults now! We don't need you telling us what to do with our free time. I do want to give you a hug though." He answered while wandering over to her and wrapping his arms around her. Jeff followed awkwardly behind Brant, but smiled as he watched them embrace.

"Drive safe son, don't give Jeff a reason to drive like a mad man." She whispered, kissing his cheek. "And I expect you to call me when you get there. Actually, every day! You need to call me every day so I know you are safe!" She said warmly as she patted his back and let go. "I love you baby, don't forget that!"

"I love you to mom, you don't have anything to worry about though, we'll be fine!" Brant smiled, holding out his pinky finger. "I promise to call you every day, I also promise to make sure to be a gentleman when I am around Jeff."

"Don't make promises you can't keep." Clare smirked, causing Brant to chuckle as she wrapped her own pinky around his.

"Mom!" Brant whined playfully. "I don't even know what's going on with new Jeff. We might not even stay roommates!"

"Don't even play Brant," Clare replied with a chuckle as she pulled him in for another hug squeezing him tighter. "I know you have been trying to get into his pants since freshman year. Living in the small proximity of the dorms is going to make you a force of nature. Don't even try to deny it, just make sure he gives consent, and you wear a condom and-"

"Mom!" Brant pulled away quickly, his ears turning red. "I get it, be safe, don't be unsafe, and be a good boy. I get it!"

A small tear broke from Clare's eye and she smiled. "My boy's going to college, I'm so proud of you!"

"Momma..." Brant smiled, wiping her tear away. "I'll be a good boy, I promise! I'll be coming around for the holidays and weekends when I can I promise! It's not like we're going to mars or something!" He paused for a second and checked his phone. "We really should be going though before Jeff gets antsy..."

Clare waves her hand over to Jeff, who walks over slightly reserved as Brant takes a small step to the side. "Come here silly boy, I just want to give you a hug goodbye. You are a part of our family, no matter how brief you lived with us. I still think of you as my own, and that means you get a hug!" She wrapped her arms around Jeff then quickly began to whisper beside his ear. "If he tries anything funny you call me, I'll come in and cut off his balls."

Jeff smirked, enjoying the hug. "Don't worry, I'll keep him in line, and if he actually tries anything that I'm not ready for, I won't give you the chance!" Jeff pulled away from her, and the two smiled at each other, ignoring Brant's worried look.

"Oh I have no doubt you will!" Clare glanced over as Brant began to walk away. "Take care of my son though Jeff. I know you had to deal with some horrible shit to get back here, including that bit with Spencer, but I know your heart's in the right place." Clare took a step back and looked over at Brant who was walking away. "And enjoy college, the both of you! It's supposed to be the best days of your life!"

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