Relationships Renewed (Brant)

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I wonder if the nurses will let me get out of bed and see Jeff today. Brant thought while sitting impatiently in his bed, looking at the doorway, hoping that he would come through on his own.

"Hey, are you listening to me kid?" The voice of an annoyed policeman snapped him from his thoughts as he realized the man was still in his room.

"Hmm? Oh, sorry, I have a three-second attention span, and then I fade off, these meds they put me on just leave me feeling so sleepy. Can you say that again please? I'll try and listen the best I can." Brant asked, trying to force a smile.

"It's fine," The policeman grumbled as he flipped back a few pages in his notebook then poked at the top with his pen. "Do you remember anything about the accident?" Brant nodded his head no as his mind seemed to be blank on the subject, and the thought of visiting Jeff began to tug at him once more. "-the suspect is still missing, and we are running out of leads. Anything you can think of might be what helps us catch this criminal."

Brant thought back to the car crash, his feelings of joy, then the panicked tone in Jeff's voice, then nothing. "I'm sorry officer. I told you everything I know already. I was going to move in with my boyfriend Jeff, and we were driving towards campus. We slowed down for a red light. Then as soon as it turned green, we started forward. Then I was here with the doctor poking my foot with a pen. I really can't remember anything else."

"Nothing at all?" The cop pressed. "You don't remember being hit by the stolen sedan? Not rolling over, or having a hunk of metal pierce your head? Almost dying in the coma and being here for a month. Nothing at all?"

The feeling of being pressured began to stir inside Brant, and he felt a small knot in his stomach begin to form. "No sir, I really don't. If I did I would tell you, I swear I would. The only thing I know for sure it that it had to have been Spencer. He kidnapped my Jeff and tortured him, and then made him think that I wouldn't love him." Brant took a shaky breath as his eyes began to water. "Now the love of my life refuses to be in my presence because he thinks I am bound by some stupid honer to stay with him. I had just gotten to see him for the first time in almost four years, and then I lost him again!"

The cop let out an uncomfortable sigh as he tried to keep a calm demeanor. "I'm sorry that you have to deal with that, but that isn't something I can help with. Until we track down whoever was responsible for this, there isn't anything we can do. That's why I'm trying to find something that maybe you repressed, or don't want to talk about." The cop eyed Brant as he lay in the bed on the edge of a breakdown. "I have a kid about your age you know, he's dating a boy as well. I know that you care about this Jeff guy, but maybe you should try and move on. From what it sounds like, he seems uninterested in being with yo-"

"Shut the hell up!" Brant yelled out, desperation and anger clouding his vision. "Jeff just looks like he doesn't care. You could talk to him for hours and probably end up not knowing the first thing about him! He's guarded, and after what happened he wouldn't ever open up to anybody else. If I left..." He shivered at the thought of Jeff being alone for the rest of his life and his heart ached all the more. "I refuse to give up on him. I love him too much to lose him again. I would tell him that a million times over if he ever let me talk to him."

"Look kid, I know your mom is some hot-shot lawyer, but that doesn't mean you have the right to yell at a cop." The policeman growled, his irritation apparent as he tried to keep his temper in check.

"Well, maybe if you had done your job better and intervened before Spencer got his claws into him. My Jeffy wouldn't have to be in so much pain in the first place!" Brant cried out angrily as he began to lash out at the officer.

"I think you're done here." Angry footsteps came pounding into the room as Tim came rushing into the room, his deep voice echoing into the room with dark undertones that made Brant look over at him in shock. The officer turned to Tim and was about to protest, but before he could, Tim cut him off. "My patient has been awake for less than twenty-four hours. He was in a coma officer, and the fact that he's even awake is a miracle. Your badgering could push him into a new one! I suggest you let him recover for a while before you try and question him any further."

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