Scars (Jeff)

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"Fighting only makes it worse for you kitten!" Spencer purred, holding a spoon full of a bright green soup. "Just be a good boy and eat the food."

"Fuck. You!" Jeff spat through his teeth as Spencer tried to feed him.

"I plan to kitten, I plan to fuck you. Again and again, and again!" Spencer replied calmly as he tried to push the spoon into Jeff's mouth. "But this time, I plan on having you wide awake, and your head a healthy distance away from anything that could stop you from having an accident. I want you to enjoy our time together too you know."

"You think rape is a good time?" Jeff growled out disgusted, "Because that's what a psychopath says!"

Spencer sighed, carefully emptying the spoon of its contents. Then in one fluid motion smacked the top of Jeff's head where he had cut it against the headboard where he had tried to end it all. Jeff winced as pain throbbed through his head into his brain and a few bits of the hot green soup leaked into his hair. "It's not rape kitten, rape is a bad word. You need to stop calling it that. Eventually you will come to enjoy our nights together. Then someday I might even untie you, then you can enjoy yourself with me!" Spencer said as he dipped the spoon back into the bright green liquid and brought it back to Jeff's lips. "You need to keep your strength up though if that's ever going to happen. Now eat kitten."

"No," Jeff growled, blowing the soup hard enough that it dripped to the table below.

"Fine," Spencer replied, dropping the spoon, spilling the hot leftover contents over Jeff's naked body. "You will eat when I tell you to! Or you will be punished!" He explained in a dark tone as he grabbed a small pocket knife from the table that was on the other side and reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a small lighter. Flicking the blade out, he ignited the lighter and began to hold it under the blade. A few seconds later, the metal started to darken into a black color with smoke rising off it. Not long after, it became a dull orange that made Jeff's heart begin to pound. "I'm sorry you have to feel this kitten, If it were up to me, I would never hurt you. You forced me to to do this, it's out of my hands now."

"You coward," Jeff spat back as he tried to pull on his restraints again. "You're going to burn me while I'm tied to a fucking chair? You're worse than I thought possible. Not only are you a coward, you're an abusive controller as well! No wonder everybody hates you!"Jeff cursed as he struggled against his restraints. He began to panic as he was forced to watch the blade grow closer and closer to his cheek.

"I'm sorry kitten, I really am..." Spencer said as he pressed the glowing orange blade to Jeff's cheek and agonizing pain burned through as Jeff screamed out in pain, his skin sizzling as the heated blade seared his face. The smell of cooked flesh and cooling metal began to assault his sense of smell and his stomach turned, a wave of nausea bubbled inside him as he struggled to pull away from the blade.

"Don't struggle kitten, that only makes the scarring worse!" Spencer said softly as he held it there a little longer before pulling the blade back, a small hunk of his bubbling flesh tugging free with the blade. "See what you're making me do...? I wouldn't want this to happen to somebody I love. Your resistance is what's causing this!"

Jeff took a few deep breaths, trying to get his pain under control before he spoke. "I swear I'm going to kill you! You're a fucking monster and I swear to go-"

"That's not very nice kitten." Spencer interrupted, pulling some of the peeling flesh off that was clinging to Jeff. Causing him to cry out in pain. "I can keep this up all day kitten. Your body however, can't. One day though, you will forgive me for this, even love me for it."

"Never," Jeff cried out, his eyes swimming, as tears streamed down his face.

A sudden twinge of light began to pierce around him as he looked around the cabin. "Jeff..." Spencer's dark voice was replaced by a softer, more tender voice. "Jeff sweety? Wake up hun!"

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