Life and Death (Brant)

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Where am I? Brant thought as darkness seemed to pull at his very essence. Jeff, where are you? He thought as he looked around at the darkness. He was lying flat, and it seemed like he was being smothered by the darkness beneath him.

Clare's voice echoed through the void and seemed to call out to him. She was crying, and her voice sounded raw. "My poor baby, will he be okay?"

A deep voice answered her that sounded familiar. "We don't know Clare. There's a chance that he might recover, but he lost a lot of blood in that crash Clare... It's not looking good."

Crash? Brant thought in confusion, What crash, where am I? What happened to Jeff, where is he! The darkness around him seemed to thicken and pull him deeper, his thoughts being smothered. What happened to my boyfriend! He tried to say,

'Beep beep,' rang out a loud sound around him that made his ears hurt.

"What was that?" Clare's voice asked, flooded with concern.

The deeper voice spoke up a bit louder as Brant tried to get up. "That's his heartbeat monitor. It sometimes spikes at what seems like random. Though optimistically, we think it might be a reaction to people in the room. It gives me hope that he's still alive. It's strange though, one name in particular always seems to make his monitor go off."

"W-Who's name?"Clare asked, trying to compose her voice as she sniffled.

A scraping sound burst around him as the sounds of wheels scraped around him. Clare blew her nose, and the deep voice replied. "The name Jeff seems to-"

'Beep beep beep beep!' The monitor spiked again.

"Figures," Clare choked out a weak laugh through another wave of tears that seemed to echo out around Brant.

Mom! Brant tried to cry out, hoping to get her attention. Where is Jeff! Is he okay? He said as he tried to stand up. The ground was murky around him, and as he tried to sit up, his body felt heavy.

"Can he hear us?" Clare asked the deep voice.

"I'm not sure honey..." The deep voice replied timidly, "He seems to respond to the name, and when the nurses open his eyes to check his pupils, his vitals spike. It might just be an involuntary reaction though. On the other hand, he might also be trying to get our attention. Either way, his body was broken in the crash, and he needs time to heal."

"Don't call me honey, if he can hear us he might ask questions I'm not ready to answer..." Clare's voice echoed out, making Brant look out into the darkness in confusion as he tried to fight to stand up straight. "What about him?" Clare's voice echoed out with a worried voice, "It's been weeks now, and they still haven't found him?"

Weeks? Brant thought in a panic as he tried to take a step towards the sounds. The voice seemed to grow louder with the first step, and a wave of exhaustion washed over him as he tried to keep himself vertical. He's been gone for weeks? Why aren't you out there trying to find him! He tried to shout, but his voice seemed to ignore his commands.

"The police are doing everything they can, and a large portion of the student body at Ashford has stepped up and joined the search." Came the deeper voice as Brant tried to stay standing in the murky darkness that seemed to toss and turn below him.

"That's good, I'm glad people are trying to help. He could be injured for all we know, and if what Lizzy told me was true, and Spencer was behind this... I can't imagine Jeff is going to be perfectly okay.

Don't say that momma! Jeff's gonna be fine! He has to be! Brant tried to scream out as he took another tiring step towards the voice that seemed to echo around him. Jeff has to be fine, he has to be! Brant tried to cry out as his monitor began to blare around him making his ears burn in pain.

"I think we set him off, his blood pressure is spiking." The deep voice said in a panicked tone as a pair of heavy footsteps rushed towards him. The ground beneath him began to swirl, and he felt his balance begin to wane. A sudden pressure on his wrist began to burn as he tried to keep his balance in the now swirling darkness below him. "Brant, if you can hear me, can you give me a sign? Please, we need to know you're still in there!"

You need to find Jeff! Spencer is going to do who knows what to him, and I can't stand the thought of my baby being destroyed by that monster! Find him momma, do whatever it takes! Thought as he felt the burning in his wrist move to his fingers, it felt as if something was in his hand, and he tried to squeeze his fingers around it. The warmth that flooded his hand seemed to help balance him for a few seconds before another wave of darkness seemed to wash over him.

"We have movement, Brant, we hear you buddy. We are going to get you patched up okay? Don't worry about Jeff, worry about waking up." Came the deeper voice that Brant finally recognized as doctor Barton

Save my husband! Brant tried to cry out as the wave of darkness began to take him off balance. The inky blackness seemed to swirl around him, and Brant could see nothing but the darkness.

"He's still alive!" Clair sobbed out happily, "Our baby's still in there!"

Jeff... Brant's heart ached as he thought of Jeff being missing, This is all my fault! If I hadn't asked you to help me move this wouldn't have happened! A tear forced its way up from deep inside him and he felt it form in his eye. The pain of losing Jeff began to bubble around him and the darkness seemed to grip and pull at his legs, trying to suck him under.

I'm going to fix this momma, I don't know how, but Jeff deserves better. I am going to save him from Spencer. I told him that we were going to get married, and I plan to make sure that happens! Brant thought as he lost his footing and the darkness pulled him down into waist-deep paralysis. I promised him I would! He thought as he scrambled to try and keep himself above the freezing darkness that seemed to hungrily grab at him.

"Baby, if you can hear me, know that I love you!" Clare's voice echoed out weaker than before as he tried to listen.

"We're both here for you buddy, don't forget that." Doctor Barton's voice repeated softer than Clares.

Go get Jeff, I can worry about me, but he needs you more than I do right now. Brant thought as the darkness seemed to grab at his waist and pulled him down farther. His fingers began to feel numb, and his arms followed shortly after as he was pulled deeper. Save my husband... He thought as the darkness tugged one final time and he was completely submerged into an empty feeling of nothing that made the darkness from before feel warm and inviting. I can only hope that I can pull myself out of this before Jeff is taken from me forever! He thought as a cold embrace sucked out the final feeling of warmth that he had left.


Hey there friends, I hope you are enjoying the book so far! I am enjoying the entire writing process of it. If you want to help make my day, don't forget to vote for the story, and comment. It really makes my day to see people enjoying my work. Don't forget to drink a bunch of water too. Water is what helps keep us alive and not in that darkness!


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