Broken Confessions (Brant)

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Brant let out a content sigh as he ran his fingers through Jeff's short, patchy hair. He had fallen asleep hours ago, but Brant lay silently in place as he enjoyed the feeling of Jeff's body against his. I hope he is having pleasant dreams. He thought, adjusting his left shoulder slightly so that his fingers had room to move. A soft knock at the door startled him, and he quickly looked up to the door. "Shh," He whispered as Tim came in, his free hand covering his lips.

"Hey Brant," Tim replied, his voice dropping to a low whisper when he noticed Jeff on the bed beside him. "Has he been asleep this whole time?" Brant nodded his head and blinked. "I guess we should postpone your physical therapy until tomorrow then, huh?" Brant nodded his head again in agreement as Tim came forward and reached for the clipboard that hung on the edge of the bed. "I know it's a horrible time, but I need to get your vitals again. Can you nudge your arm free long enough to get that done?"

Running his fingers tenderly through Jeff's hair again, Brant nodded his head and carefully lifted Jeff's head enough for his arm to slip out. Tim came over with a blood pressure cuff, and Brant quietly extended his arm out. Tim wrapped it around his arm as quietly as possible, but with a somewhat painful twitch of his arm, the seal on the velcro was only half-way sealed. Tim quickly yanked it free, but the velcro seemed to be louder than fireworks in the silent room. Brant glared over at him, annoyed with the noise as Tim's lip curled into a grimace. He mouthed an apology and rewrapped the cuff as quietly as possible. With the cuff in place, Tim began to inflate the bladders with air. Jeff stirred, crying out softly in his sleep and Brant immediately went to comfort him, yanking his hand towards Jeff's head. The inflation pump slipped away from Tim's hand as Brant's arm moved and smashed against the plastic bedside beside them making a loud smacking sound.

With a panicked yelp, Jeff's eyes bolted open, and he raised his fists in self-defense. "Don't touch me!" He screamed out, looking around the room in a panicked state. He frantically struggled against the blanket he had wrapped around himself while trying to make sure he was safe. "B-Brant?" He asked, looking at him with disbelief, the wild glint of fear in his eyes beginning to lessen.

"It's okay baby," Brant said, trying to soothe Jeff. "It's just me and Tim nobody else. Spencer is gone forever. He can't hurt you anymore. You're safe now, it's okay." He watched as the terror in Jeff's eyes finally subsided, and his eyes began to water as he carefully looked around the room's shadows, searching for something that seemed to be just beyond the light of slowly setting sun. Brant wrapped his arms around the love of his life and began to slowly rub his hand on Jeff's back, trying to comfort him. Jeff tried to resist at first, but Brant held firm before whispering into his ear. "It's okay my love. It's just us now. You're safe now. I'm here, and I won't ever hurt you. Listen to the sound of my voice Jeff. Let it calm and guide you as your senses begin to return to you. "

Jeff took a few deep, anxious breaths as he tried to calm himself, and Brant continued to hold him tightly. "I-I'm okay now." He stated to himself, taking a few moments to breathe. "Spencer is gone, he can't hurt me anymore."

"That's right Jeff, he's gone now, hopefully dead." Brant replied with a hint of wrath. "That monster is gone. It's just the two of us. Now and forever, just the two of us." Jeff's breathing slowly began to return to normal, and his grip on Brant loosened.

Another knock at the door startled Jeff, making him jump, his eyes darting towards the door as Tim looked over as well. "I'm back," Clare whispered, coming back into the room with a few bags of snack foods looking down at her phone. "Those stuck up nurses wouldn't let me take most of what I went out and bought for you up here, so I came with what I could. If Tim were here, I'm sure he could wave his magic wand, and they would suck his-" She paused, looking up from her phone to see Tim looking at her with a grin. "Oh, uh, hey Tim..." Clare mumbled, blushing profusely. "That was totally out of line, I am so sorry. I didn't think you would still be here."

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