Wake up call (Jeff)

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A/N Trigger warning for rape. I do not condone this horrible act, nor do I wish anybody to ever do this to anybody in any way. Please don't rape people, that's really messed up.



"Good morning kitten." Spencer's horrible voice cooed as a torrent of cold water began to leak over Jeff's head and his mind snapped out of unconsciousness.

"Ugh, my head!" Jeff moaned out in pain, trying to lift his hands. "What happened-" He paused as his eyes opened to see ropes keeping him from moving. "What the fuck is this?" He demanded before struggling against the ropes that dug into his arms. "What the fuck is happening?"

"Don't struggle kitten, that only makes it worse for you." Spencer spoke softly as Jeff whipped his head up to look at him.

"Where is Brant, is he okay?" Jeff demanded as he remembered the collision and the crimson pool that was forming underneath Brant's head. "I swear if you killed him, I am going to make you regret it!" He began to pull on the restraints harder, ignoring the pain in his wrists and legs as he heard Spencer's chided laughter echoed around him.

"I don't know," Spencer replied with a chuckle. "I had to hit that truck pretty hard to flip it. Poor Brant, I had no idea he would be in the passenger side. I think your airbags saved him from some of the damage, but I had to hit your side, so he took the large portion of the force without the airbag. I wouldn't count on him still being alive. Especially since I just left him there." An evil smile crept across his face as Jeff cringed in horror. "But you don't need to worry about him anymore though. You have me now baby, that's all you ever needed!"

"Go to hell Spencer!" Jeff cried out, tears springing from his eyes as he thought of Brant hanging from his truck.

"Oh, don't cry kitten," Spencer cooed again, wiping away the tears as Jeff attempted to resist his touch. "Moving on from grief is always painful, but after a few years with me, you won't even remember his name, let alone that you were dating him." Spencer walked around behind Jeff and started rubbing Jeff's head, massaging the bloody clumps of hair.

"Fuck you Spencer! Let me go!" Jeff snarled, yanking his head away as grief continued to wash over him.

"Is your neck hurting you kitten?" Spencer asked, returning to the light head massage. "Car crashes can cause whiplash you know. You really should really be more careful with your neck."

Jeff pulled his head away from Spencer's stubby fingers, trying to remove his hair from Spencer's grasp. As he swung his head about in painful, frantic circles, he noticed the room around him. It was all wooden logs with no photographs on the walls. "Why did you do this?" He asked, coughing as a wave of nausea began to burn in his throat. "And why are we in a log cabin?"

"Because you wouldn't come willingly kitten..." Spencer replied, looking down at him. "I asked you time after time to come home to me and be mine. But you just didn't listen to me. I told you every day all last year that I am your soulmate! Why can't you just see that?" Spencer put his arm on Jeff's head, forcing it to stay still, then used his other hand to stroke his hair again. "Why can't you see that we are perfect together? It's plain to see to everybody around us." He exclaimed, his voice falling into a dark overtone.

Jeff scowled, trying to move free of Spencer's repulsive touch regardless of the restraints that kept him bound in place. "Because you tried to kill Brant, and you kidnapped me! Pretty sure that would put anybody on edge you sick fuck!" Spencer immediately slapped Jeff across the face making his cheek burn and his neck ache.

"That wasn't very nice kitten." Spencer growled, coming around to look at Jeff in the eyes. "But I forgive you, I'm going to assume you said that because you are in pain from the accident."

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