The Investigation (Jeff.)

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"Jeff..." A soft calling echoed from the darkness. "Jeff, please wake up... There are police here." Jeff blinked his eyes, trying to focus on the voice as the darkness swooned about him. "Jeff, you need to wake up." Clare's voice came into focus, and Jeff opened his eyes, blinking a few times as he did so. She was standing by two policemen who both looked very unhappy, and one had his hand instinctively on his hip.

"What's wrong?" Jeff asked, trying to keep his voice down so that he didn't wake Brant. The two had fallen asleep long before he had finished telling the story, but Jeff didn't care. He just snuggled up beside the love of his life and slept peacefully for the first time in weeks.

"Can you come with us into the hallway please Jeff? We would like to ask you some questions." The larger policeman with no hair asked in a stern tone. "Since the doctors are letting you wander around the hospital, we figured we could talk about what happened in the forest."

Jeff tensed as thoughts of the cabin forced their way to the surface. "I uh, I really don't want to talk about that right now. Is there any chance you could come back later?" He asked, trying to keep his voice stable as he reached for the blanket that covered him and pulled it closer to his body.

"I'm afraid it can't wait. The longer we wait, the less likely we are to catch the person who did this to you." The shorter officer replied in a more calm demeanor as he tried to smile.

Clare took a few steps forward and spoke just above a whisper. "If you had to do anything illegal to get free, please don't say anything at all. I will take your case as soon as they try and press charges, and we can talk about it later. All things considered, it might just be easier not to say anything. So please don't give any other information they don't ask directly for."

Jeff shook his head, understanding what she was saying then looked over to the two police with a slowly growing frown. "Why do I have to go out right now? I just snuck away to see Brant since I missed him. I'm really not ready to talk about what happened out there in that cabin." The taller officer took out a notepad and started to write something in it, scribbling as fast as he could before shutting it and looking over towards his partner.

"Honey it's nothing personal," Clare replied before looking over at the cops with an unhappy glare. "They're just doing their jobs." Her words seemed to throw the taller man off balance, and he adjusted his stance and folded his arms, his eyes shifting around the room.

"It's just a few routine questions sir. It won't take long, I know it must be painful, but we are trying to help you get justice for what happened." The shorter policeman with chocolate brown eyes said, trying to defuse the rising tension between the group.

Looking affectionately over to Brant, Jeff smiled, seeing his chest rising slowly up and down. His smile seemed to grow as he heard the soft snore that echoed from Brant's open mouth against his shoulder. "I'll answer your questions in just a second officers. First I need to get out from underneath this hulking tub of lard." He tenderly lifted Brant's head with his hand, then slowly pulled his shoulder away, before carefully resting it against the pillow. Being careful not to wake Brant, he began to scoot carefully away from the bed, doing his best to avoid making any extra sound.

The second his first leg made it to the edge of the bed, a hand shot out from behind him and Jeff squeaked out in surprise as Brant pulled him back into the bed against him. "Who are you calling a hulking tub of lard!" Brant mumbled, leaning himself forward to kiss Jeff on the back of his neck. "Where do you think you're going anyway?" He asked, before opening his eyes just enough to see the room had other people in it. Brant's eyes shot open, and his cheeks turned dark red. "Haven't any of you ever heard of privacy before?"

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