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"Tony," Jarvis began to say. "you have a stab wound above your hip. Do you want me to call your regular?" Tony sighed, while also grimacing from pain. He had been involved with breaking up a fight between Peter and a robber. Usually that'd be what Peter would handle, but the robber pulled a knife, and Tony could not just sit back and watch.

"No, I fired the regular. C'mon Jarvis we've been over this." He scoffed. "Well, I'll certainly need to find you a new one. And fast." Jarvis decided, beginning to search millions of doctors available in New York City. "Doctor Young, skilled in many areas involving a specialty in Psychology." Jarvis began to list off "I need a doctor not a therapist."

"Same thing." Jarvis stated.
"Whatever," Tony grumbled back.

"How about Doctor Strange. One of the best doctors in the world, specialty is neurology." Jarvis stated, knowing Tony wouldn't pass up a doctor as skilled as Strange, knowing his doctor hunt would be over.

"He sounds good, put him on the phone Jarvis." And Jarvis did just that.

"Hello thank you for calling New York State Hospital how may I assist you?" A receptionist asked. "Doctor Strange. May I speak to him?" Tony asked, a sense of urgency lingering in his voice. He had already made it to the hospital, but decided to call so he didn't have to wait much longer to be treated.

"Why of course, one moment please." The receptionist said as she quickly placed Tony on hold. For a few moments he tapped his feet to the sound of the hold music, growing impatient as the shirt he tightly wrapped around his torso became damp with blood.

"Hello i'm Doctor Strange who is this i'm speaking to?" Tony sighed thankfully. "Doctor Strange I am Tony Stark. I've been stabbed and was hoping to be treated by you." Tony then heard a sharp inhale from the other line "Surprised you waited this long on hold to be treated. How far are you from the hospital?" Tony quicky answered "Just outside the Emergency Room doors." The line then went dead, not so long after Tony heard the wheels of a gurney being rolled from outside the door, and no sooner was he laid down on it, meeting eye to eye with Doctor Strange.

Strange had piercing blue eyes with green flecks in them, Tony noticed as he was being rolled to an operating table. They were mesmerizing, the kind he could easily get lost in, considering his loopier state from the blood loss of course. He also had brown hair, that was lightly becoming more of a salt and pepper, Strange's grey hairs stuck out, but in an indescribably beautiful way. Tony could only see Strange from the eyes up due to his mask, but he already knew that he was one attractive man.


It wasn't too long before Tony was off the table, he needed a good cleaning of the wound and a simple clean up. Nothing too crazy, nothing too extreme. Strange was able to stitch Tony up rather quickly, which he was grateful for.

He'd get his stitches removed within a week, which would be the best time to discuss Strange becoming his personal doctor. As soon as the operation was finished, he had left the room onto a case of a man who had a bullet lodged in his brain (at least, that's what Tony overheard).

So he went on his way, anxiously awaiting to go back to the hospital to see Doctor Strange. There was something about those green eyes that held his brain captive that week, something he just couldn't let go of. Even Peter began to notice.

" 'Sup Mr. Stark! Dude you wouldn't BELIEVE what happened today." Peter began to explain. Peter would visit Tony at least once a week, and always had the best stories. Tony was always really interested in them, but for some reason on all days to come, Tonys thoughts were held captive by that doctor.

I Need A Doctor - IRONSTRANGEWhere stories live. Discover now