you called?

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The dinner party ran late into the night. All those who attended were in good spirits, everyone had a good share of laughs, drinks, and pasta
(And by drinks, yes, Peter had a capri sun).

The saying "time flies when you're having fun" is absolutely true. Because before they knew it, 7pm quickly turned into 11pm. It was late for most of them, and since the bedrooms were rarely used, all of them decided to shack up for the night. Loki, Rhodes, Tony, and Peter all had their own rooms. But of course, Thor and Bruce couldn't resist sharing a room. And of course, Tony's room was right next to theirs.

It wasn't a huge problem, it's just that when Tony had the house constructed, he forgot to add that the walls shouldn't be as thin as they are right now. But they didn't cause any noise disturbances thankfully. Just a bunch of sweet nothings back and forth to eachother. Tony usually made fun of them for that, but right now it'd be a little awkward since he was practically eavesdropping on the two.

He could make out a few words every few minutes, like Thor saying "You're so small. And beautiful." and a sleepy Bruce responding "I could kick your ass." and then Thor softly responding "I know." This went on for awhile. They were so in love it was gross.
Tony could definitely the cavity forming from their sweetness.

He sighed, loneliness beginning to overwhelm his thoughts. Sure he had been on a nice date today, but he knew Stephen would just move on, find someone better, or Tony would mess up again. He always seemed to make a mess out of everything he loved. Tony couldn't not think about Steve or Pepper right now. How they fought. How he messed up. How they left. How they moved on. Tony just couldn't seem to find anyone who liked him for who he was.

Before he knew it, he was thrown into a cloud of anxiety, thoughts pulling him further in. Was he even worthy of love? Would Stephen leave too? Would Peter eventually get sick of him? Everyone else seemed to. His chest ached. He loved his friends, but did they deserve him?

Tony searched around in his pocket for his phone, touching the button on his pager once more without even realizing it, and taking out his phone.

He put on Blink-182 before shutting his eyes. It wasn't until halfway through I Miss You that his phone started ringing.

Tony reached for his phone, the music stopping as he answered the call.

"Hello?" He groggily said to whomever was calling so late.

"I think we seem to have a streak of you calling me late at night, drink too much at your dinner party?" Stephen joked, but his voice didn't hide the fact he was happy to hear from Tony.

"Something like that," Tony muttered under his breath. "Do you think you could come here? I uh, need help with something."

"Something? What is it?" Stephen inquired.

Running out of excuses, Tony simply said "You'll see when you get here. I'm at the Avengers house. Bye." and hung up.

"Smooth Tony!" Thor boomed from the other room, a sigh leaving Tony's lips.

And before he knew it, Tony let Stephen in the house, of course, Rhodes was up getting a drink. The two quietly did their best to pass through the kitchen without making a noise, but of course once more, Rhodes had to say something. "You know what Tony you can just go back to bed you already have a tall glass of water." He said, a small chuckle following. "I'm kidding," Rhodes said extending a hand "I'm Rhodes. Tony's best friend. Heard lots about you, say, what was his shoe size again?" He joked once more as they shook hands.

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