so who is he?

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Soon after the whole breakfast ordeal, Strange checked his wrist watch and realized he was late.

He usually wasn't late, and it wasn't a huge deal because of how close Tony actually lived to the hospital, but Strange was a punctual dude. That usually doesn't happen, so of course he knew he'd be bombarded with questions by the teasing nurses when he arrived. But he wasn't the only one to get bombarded with questions that morning.

When Strange had gathered all his things and gone to head out, he opened a door to see a young boy about to knock swiftly on Tony's door.

"Oh uh, you're not Mr. Stark," He said, believing he had the wrong house. "I could've sworn this was," He continued, glancing at the numbers by the door. "This is Mr. Stark's house. Who are you-"

"Peter i'll explain later, come in." Tony said, appearing behind Strange.

"See you later?" He asked quietly.

"I mean, if you need help, or if you're injured." Strange teased. "Sure. I'll text you on my lunch break."

And with a nod, he stepped out, Peter stepped in, shutting the door.

"Who was that." He finally asked, confusion evident on his face. "I thought you said you weren't ready to date after Steve-."

"Okay that's enough," Tony said, cutting him off again. "First of all, we aren't dating, kid. He's my new personal doctor."

"But he spent the night, but you're not boyfriends."

"Not exactly kid, we just met and," Tony then was cut off by Peter being curious.

"Are you gonna call him later?"

"Probably, for lunch, but,"

"Or does he call you? How do you decide who calls?" Peter continued to ask questions about the man. Tony was obviously flustered, and hadn't seen his happy glow in awhile.

"Peter," Tony said with a chuckle at all the questions.

"Is that what topping means?" Peter then asked, ending his series of questions.

"I can't believe this is happening to me right now." Tony sighed, a small laugh hidden in it. "Allow me to explain,"

"What topping is?"

"No, not that. Especially not that." Tony shook his head, grabbing Peter's shoulders as he lead him to the couch to talk.

"Stephen, well uh, Dr. Strange,"

"Wait is he a superhero too? Is that his made up name?" Peter asked excitedly.

"No no, his name is actually Dr. Strange. Anyways. He's a neurosurgeon, and since I fired my last personal doctor I decided to hire him as my new one." Tony then finally explained, Peter not interrupting this time.

"He slept over because I had one of my attacks," Tony added, Peter nodding in understanding. He had stayed at Tony's before, and experienced Tony when he had anxiety. He knew how bad they could get.

"And I accidentally hit my pager trying to turn on the light. He decided to come over and see if I was okay,"

"Aww that's so sweet of him." Peter interrupted, a smile wide on his face. Tony deserved to have someone who was actually nice to him.

"And it was so late he decided to stay. No boyfriend."

"But if he asked you on a date what would you say?" Peter asked, becoming nosy.

"Is that all you got from that? Peter there's nothing between us and-."

"At least consider it. He seems really nice and, you deserve that Mr. Stark." Peter finished, a soft tone in his voice. God did he know how to make Tony feel better.

"Yeah yeah okay, whatever kid." He said, playing it cool. I mean he barely knew Strange, there's no way that he could like him like that so soon. Even imagine the two of them together.

But somehow Peter put the idea in his head, and it didn't leave. But Tony wasn't mad about it either.


hi this is so short and kinda fluffy just slowly building plot oops sorry.
but thank you all for all the votes / sweet comments / reads!! almost to 1k views um that's CRAAAAZY bro. i appreciate it so much. i'll try and update soon!

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