he hasn't come home.

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foreword: please don't hate me. (this chapter describes injury and a car crash. read at your own risk)


It was a stormy night. What a cliché way to start a story? Let me paint this clearer for you. Since it's the only thing that since, can replay in Tony's head.

It was a usual night, despite the rain. Stephen sometimes would go on drives after work, to clear his head, or seem to find more work to do. He burried himself in his work. It was the most important thing in his life, besides Tony of course.

So it was a typical night. Usually he'd stay out till about eleven, and then come home to a sleepy Tony wanting a cuddle. It was supposed to be a normal night. That's what everyone wanted.

Stephen was driving in the midst of a storm, a thunderstorm. Despite his clear anxiety from the flashes of light, he continued to drive. It had been a long day at work, and he just needed to drive. He decided to drive on a clear road on the side of a mountain, not caring whether he was close to the edge or not. Stephen had an A.I. similar to J.A.R.V.I.S. speaking to him as he drove, listing off different patients he could assist.

"There's a lady, she's sixty five, had a stroke." The A.I. suggested. "And screw up my perfect record?" Stephen asked dumbfoundedly. "Yeah I don't think so. Give me something better."

"How about, a seventeen year old who has a metal plate in her head to control schizophrenia, struck by lightening." The A.I. then suggested. "That sounds interesting, can you send me the," The scans of the young girls brain then popped up on the screen in his car. "Thanks." He studied them, locating the plate almost immediately.

Suddenly, the end of his car was slammed into by another car drifting from the rain. His car then flipped over the side of the railing securing cars on the mountain. Stephen's car toppled down the side, hitting anything that it could on the way down. He then flew through the windshield, life just tallying up how many injuries he could have from this.

Before he knew it, his car was face down in a lake at the bottom of the mountain, and Stephen was unconscious.


Tony knew of Stephen's driving habits, and was usually okay with it as long as he was home at eleven, but the clock on his nightstand read eleven fifty seven, and he still wasn't home. It was unlike him, especially for him not to text Tony if he was running late.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door that caused Tony's heart to leap out of his chest. He opened it to see two police officers, hoping Stephen was just arrested or something. He could just bail him out. But they had different news for Tony.

"Sir are you Tony Stark?" The one asked as polite as he could, giving the circumstances. "Yes, you know me. What's going on?" He asked, wanting to get to the point.

"Mr. Stark, we have found a body. He is alive, but we wanted someone to identify him." Tony's heart sank in his chest immediately. All his nightmares seemed to be coming true in front of his very eyes.

"We were told you both are in a relationship," The police officer began to say before cut off by a worried Tony. "Is it Stephen? Stephen Strange?"

"By gosh he knows him, come with us. We'll give you a ride to the hospital." The other police man said, taking Tony with them to the hospital.

The car ride might have been ten minutes, but it was the longest drive Tony had ever endured. God he hoped Stephen was okay, or awake, or both. His poor heart was beating harder than a bass drum in the back of the police car.

Before he knew it, they arrived at the hospital and Tony was made to stay in the waiting room. He couldn't check his phone, could barely talk, all he could seem to do was tap his foot.

"Pardon me," A lady said, knocking Tony out of his head. "Are you Tony Stark? Here for Stephen Strange?" She asked, her voice. "Yes, I am." Tony answered, dropping his ego. "Is he okay?" He asked, his voice faltering as he spoke.

"He's... living." She answers, a sadness in her tone. "He's currently on the table and we're doing all we can do. But i'm afraid it's going to be quite awhile until he's out of surgery, will you be staying?" She asked matter of factly.

"I wouldn't even think about leaving." He answered quickly, there was no doubt he'd be staying.

"Alright, but do try to get some rest Tony." She told him. "I'm just as worried as you are." She confessed, sitting beside him. "I'm Christine, one of his coworkers." She told Tony, extending her hand for him to shake. Tony shook Christine's hand, doing his best to seem as calm as he possibly could.

God, this was going to be a long wait


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