this isn't very professional

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It had been a few hours since the argument, and Tony still hadn't left his bed. Every now and then he'd glance over at the alarm clock, but really all he felt like doing was starring at the ceiling and regretting every word he said to Stephen.

The sheets were ascew, last nights outfit on the floor, the stupid sun shining through the window making it difficult for Tony to even think abouy sleeping. He wanted to get up and shut it, but his head ached too much. He could barely move.

There was then a soft knock on the door, carried by a softer voice. "Hey um Mr. Stark? I uh, everyone is kinda gone except for you and I and uh, are you okay? Can I come in?" Peter asked softly, leaning his head against the door. "I-I got you the medicine you wanted."

Tony sighed, Peter must've heard their fight. Everyone probably heard it. God, he was such a hot mess he could barely think straight. "Yes, you can come in." The door then slowly creaked open, revealing Peter's Hello Kitty pajama pants and NYC t-shirt.

"How old are you? Six?" Tony joked, slowly sitting up, wincing from the heaviness of the pain in his head. How much did he drink again?

Peter held his hand out, a couple tablets of aspirin in his hand and water in the other. "Old enough to get you the medicine your doctor should've gotten for you." He said, then sitting beside Tony on the bed.

Tony quickly took the medicine from Peter, downing it in one go. He gave him an appreciative smile, followed by a heavy sigh as he laid back on the bed. He couldn't remember the last time Peter saw him so vulnerable. But it was okay, he felt rather safe. He had always considered Peter family, so he wasn't too afraid. "I'm sorry about your doctor, Mr. Stark." He said, turning to face Tony.

"Things happen kid." He sighed. "I'm sorry you had to hear all of that." Tony's face was more relaxed. He had begun to realize that talking about things did make it easier, which is of course something Stephen taught him.

"C'mon, why don't I make us breakfast to make up for it." Tony suggested, sitting up, all the sudden rejuvenated. "Eggs? Toast? Yeah?"

He got up, heading to the kitchen, Peter following him closely. He opened the large fridge, finding the ingredients he needed for breakfast. He began to cook the eggs, when he suddenly placed the pan on the wrong burner, setting his arm down on the hot one. He yelped out in pain, quickly running to the sink and turning on the cold water. You'd think after all the people he had fought with, that heat wouldn't be a huge problem, and that he knew how to take care of burns right?

Well you'd be mistaken.

He fished around in his pocket for the pager, quickly setting off the button without hesitation. Sure, Stephen was probably angry, but Tony's arm was literally burning.

Ten minutes or so had passed, and still no word from Stephen. He hit off the pager again, was Stephen ignoring him?

Then his phone rang in his pocket, he quickly grabbed it to answer to an angry Stephen.

"Tony if you're just lonely and-."

"Dude, burnt my arm. Really bad." He sighed, not wanting to continue arguing over the phone.

"I'm sorry can you please get over here?" Tony asked, need laced in his voice.

"I'm sorry what was that you said?" Stephen said, cockily. Tony could feel the smug smile through the phone. "I'll be right over."

Not even two minutes later, the door to the place opened revealing Stephen.

"Were you, still parked outside?" Tony asked, laughing at Stephen.

"Maybe. Not important right now." He said, dismissing the accusation of hoping Tony would call him.

"So... you burned yourself?" He asked, looking at Tony's slightly reddened arm under the faucet.

"Yes and I don't know how to fix it so I've had it running under cold water for thirty minutes." Tony answered, desperation in his voice.

"You're lucky I always carry aloe on me." He said, pulling what looked like to be lotion out of his pocket.

"Why do you carry aloe on you?" Tony said with a smirk, shutting off the sink.

"It's a surprise tool that can help us later." He winked, almost forgetting the earlier events. Stephen took Tony's hand in his as he used his other hand to rub the aloe on his arm, Tony's face visibly relaxing.

"So um," Peter cleared his throat. "Eggs?"

The two had completely forgotten about Peter for the few minutes they were together, already disolved into eachother as always.

"Peter give us a few minutes, would you?" Tony said, smiling in his direction. His hand was still in Stephen's, but he didn't mind.

Peter scamprered out of the room shouting a "Sure thing Mr. Stark!!" Allowing Tony to turn back and face Stephen.

"What you said earlier on the phone," Stephen began, now taking both of Tony's hands in his. "That you're sorry, did you mean it?"

Tony looked down at their hands, Stephen's cold hands meeting Tony's warmer hands. A clash, but a good clash. It felt good. Felt right. "I meant it." Tony said softly. "I was stupid and an asshole and i'm sorry." He said, meeting Stephen's eyes the best he could. "I really do like you Stephen. And i'm a piping hot mess and i'm sorry I don't know how you like me but-."

"Tony." Stephen said, it utter seriousness. "It takes a lot for me to like someone. I've never really talked about it but my past relationship really left me hurting, to the point where I still thought I loved her. Tony you're the only one I want."

"Can I kiss you?" Tony asked, his hands holding Stephen's tighter.

"That's not very professional." Stephen said with a smirk.

"You think I give a damn? Stephen I-." Tony was interrupted by Stephen's lips meeting his, Tony's hands immediately placed on the sides of his face holding him closer.

His lips were soft, and plible, yet filled with so much passion and want. He had never felt as much butterflies in his stomach while kissing. God he sounded like a six year old in his inner monologue, but goddammit he didn't care.

He simply only cared about the man in his arms, finally, being his.



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