i've been waiting for some time now.

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The two men happily stood in the kitchen, making up for time lost in kisses. The eggs sat out, the aloe cap not back on, Peter still fumbling around in his room, but none of it mattered in that very moment. Nothing mattered more than the closed distance between the two.

Finally, Stephen pulled away hesitantly for air, his forehead resting on Tony's. He was slightly taller than Tony, the distance giving a perfect height for this sort of thing. Stephen's piercing blue eyes met Tony's warm brown eyes. It was truly the same as their cold and warm hands, a clash, but the right kind.

Tony's eyes searched Stephen's intently, a smile playing on his lips without even noticing. "You have a bit of green in your eyes." He said, noticing the flecks of green that practically blended in with the ice blue color of his eyes.

"And yours have a lot of brown in them." Stephen responded, their eyes meeting. The two just stood in awe. No snarky comments, no fooling around, just utter and complete love radiated. It was unlike the two of them characteristically in many ways.

"How long have we been standing here?" Stephen then asked, not wanting to take his eyes off of Tony. "Long enough for me not to know." He then responded, looking down at Stephen's watch. "Ten minutes? Doesn't seem like it though."

"So romantic." He said, a smirk growing on his face. "God, don't tell me we'll be those people who get in arguments over who hangs up first." Tony laughed, his head throwing back at the thought of that. "If that happens I give you permission to break up with me." He joked, a smile not leaving his face.

"I can't make a promise I can't keep." Stephen commented, checking the clock quickly. "Tony I hate to cut this short, but, I have to be at the hospital in less than an hour. Lets pick this up another time?" He proposed, meaning hopefully another date.

"Yes, how about tonight. eight thirty. I'll make a reservation for Bernardos." Tony then stated, not giving Stephen a yes or no option. "I'll meet you there. Okay?" He said, grabbing his hands once more. He loved how his own warm hands were cooled by Stephen's.

"Absolutely. Wouldn't miss it for the word." He leaned in and kissed Tony's cheek softly. "I'll see you then." Stephen squeezed Tony's hands before turning and walking out the door for work.

It wasn't too long before Peter rounded the corner, shouting "TELL ME EVERYTHING MR. STARK!"


Before Tony knew it, it was seven fifty and he was fixing his tie around his neck, the alarm on his phone buzzing for him to leave the house. Sure he had an eight thirty reservation, but since they were going to an expensive restaurant, it was always good to be early.

So Tony stepped out the door, heading for the restaurant. He had gotten Happy to drive him, hoping to possibly go back to Stephen's for the night after their date. Bernrdo's neon sign shone into the puddles of the street below. He watched as it rippled as minutes passed

"Do you want me to wait here for Strange to show up?" Happy asked, since some time had passed. "No. That's okay, I'll just wait here by myself. You can go." Tony said, not wanting to burden Happy.

"Call me if anything bad happens." Happy then said, rolling back up his window before driving off. Tony waited outside, checking his phone to see the time, but more importantly to check for any texts from Stephen. But sadly it was eight twenty and still nothing from him.

But he decided to head in, sit at his table, explain his date was still on the way, and order a water. Soon enough it was eight thirty, heading on eight forty five, then nine o'clock. The waiting was unbearable. Stephen said he wouldn't miss it for the world. Was he lying? Did he get stood up? Tony's mind was swarmed with so many "what if" questions he almost didn't notice his phone buzzing.

The caller ID read Stephen's name, so Tony hastily picked up the call. "You better have a good explanation." He said with a bit of a huff, but was secretly relieved he even called.

"I'm so sorry Tony." Stephen said first, his voice clearly upset. "This kid he, there was a bullet lodged in his head and I had to get it out and the surgery was lengthier than I had intended." He explained, Tony immediately feeling bad for how he answered.

"I'm sorry for answering so harshly. I hadn't realized-." He was cut off by a waiter. "Sir, is your date coming? We have other reservations waiting." Tony considered it for a second, but then decided against it. "No, just the check please. Thanks." He then said before getting back to his call. "It's okay Tony. I'm gonna make up for it though. Meet me at the park on 43rd street?" He asked, his voice sincere.

"I'll see you there in twenty minutes then." Tony concluded, a smile on his face as he grabbed the check to pay for the water and bread he had barely eaten while waiting.

"Goodbye, see you soon Tony." Stephen said before ending the call. As he paid the bill, Tony called Happy to give him a ride to the park Stephen talked about. Once they pulled up, Tony immediately noticed Stephen's car. "Happy this is it, I'll see you later." Tony said quickly, exiting the car and heading towards Stephen.

Tony smiled at the sight of a checkered blanket lying on the grass, along with a brown paper bag from the Delicatessen. He felt a little overdressed for a picnic, that was, until he realized Stephen was also wearing a nice suit. "You clean up nice." He said, the stupid grin on his face growing wider.

"I can say the same about you." Stephen said, returning the compliment. "I got us sandwiches from Kate's." He smiled, sitting down and opening the bag to reveal a cold cut for Tony and him. "Not as fancy as Bernardo's, but definitely close enough." He said with a chuckle, patting the space beside him for Tony to sit.

He sat down, taking in their surroundings. Despite being in the city, through the cluster of trees in the park, some stars were visible among the skyscrapers. The darkness of the night had settled in, and the shadow on Stephen's face only seemed to make him more stunning than he already was. Tony could see him in a new light, pun not intended, and he loved it.

Tony slyly rested his head on Stephen's shoulder, shutting his eyes for a moment. It had been a long night, and this was all he seemed to want at the moment. He wasn't extremely hungry or thirsty or upset or anything, for that matter. All he felt was contentment.

Stephen kissed Tony's temple softly, before continuing to eat his sandwich. From the jump, the two were absolute lovebirds and didn't regret a single second of it.

Under the stars and buildings and trees of New York City, their love blossomed where the two could've never thought would have happened.


oop i hope you enjoyed this cause i stayed up super late to finish it!!!! also ps i made a spotify playlist for this book! if you want to listen to it (which i recommend, the music really fits the story!!!) the link is in my bio :) thanks again so much for reading and for 3k+ reads!!!! <3

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